Percocet Vs Norco (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I'm taking percocet 10/650mg. I have (DDD), (Athritis), and the list goes on. I have a friend on Norco. Can you tell me what the difference is between them and the highest mg the norco comes in? THANK YOU SO MUCH!

150 Replies (8 Pages)

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That's f***ed up. I used to be 385 lbs and now I'm 175 lbs. And I'm 5"10, female. I lost weight because I was sick with pancreatic cancer..I wasn't able to hold food down. When I was far I didn't have any problems. Not all fat people are greedy, they might have a thyroid problem. I see a lot of drunks and druggies die in the er, not fat people and I'm always in the hospital

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Blue: Don't know ur age, and I can't say for you. I'm 66. Sounds like you have a lot going on, and suggest you get in to see your doctor asap. By the list of your meds, seems like your mixing n matching similar drugs for pain there. Dangerous for overdose. Definitely combining all those opiates is not good. I have ptsd-veteran, ridiculopathy from 2 necks fusions, lumbar damage that goes into my Rt leg with nerve pain. I'm taking Latuda, desipramine for psych n depression, and using percocet 4x a day for pain. Norco added to my depression so I changed it after 5 yrs. ER percocet is oxycontin, and I hate to start that. I can regulate my intake to incl high n lows for now. Morphine, Kadian, Fentynol patches etc....., I did not like the side affects, and made me dopey all the time. I take lorazepam at nite only, for sleep. I am able to manage pain and do things like fishing, to keep me active. I also went thru a detox cleanse of sorts, changing my metabolism and cleaning out my body with Isagenix. High does of B12's, Its like a weight loss/cleanse program. Trying to eat better etc. I know I'm dependent on the pain meds, but, not addicted to them. Because I never take more than 4 a day-regardless, as I stay vigilant with it. The mind plays tricks on a person using the pain meds. with the highs n lows. If you could handle a detox and start over again, I'd certainly suggest it. Depends on the degree of your pain condition I suppose. Sometimes the opiates will create the pain condition. Separating the two is difficult. Taking it to feel good, or taking it to stop pain, and feel good from the pain block. Tricky decision, and only the self can determine. Unless you are out of control taking into the 12-15 a day range.

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Dr Vic Singh is a great pain mgmt doctor. I have been seeing him for years. He is with california back and pain mgmt specialists in van nuys calif. 818-884-5480. Good luck

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I am taking perc 10/325 now. Just switched from norco 10/325 and get more relief now.

I have several health issues and I'm pain half of the time. I am in LA. Los Angeles is hard to get a doc to give you Percocet. Norco is standard here and most places now. Some doctors at cedars will prescribe perc like mine did. Be honest and tell the doctor you're taking the other and not getting any relief and that your body has built a tolerance. I am honest and when I am they tend to help me out more.

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I actually take over 30 meds a day.I'm only 35 and I'm tired of this. Now they just sent a new medication over and I don't know the name or its use. I've not.taken.any medication for a few days.and's.worse. don't know what to do now.

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Percocet is Oxycodone. It's stronger than Norco, which is Hydrocodone like Lortab. Both are now schedule 2. Until recently, only Percocet was schedule 2. But factors such as abuse, led to Hydrocodone being put in that schedule.

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Now that they are in the same schedule, I don't see why your Dr. would not mind. Percocet is stronger and has different side affects. It will constipate you more than Hydrocodene. My Dr. switched me.

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I know this forum is old but I couldn't help but comment on the fact that someone can say that they are going to college at all when they spell feel "fell" not once but twice. Then to go on and basically encourage someone to take both of these at the same time? Not to say that it would kill you but what type of person studying to be a pharmacist would give this type of advice? The fact that such a simple word is misspelled shows how credible the advice is.

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Go to walmart. They always have it there

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Norco is Hydrocodone plus 325mg of Tylenol and the highest dose is 10. Percocet is Oxycodone and 325mg of Tylenol, with the highest dosage being 10. Everyone has different pain receptors for opiates. What works best for one person could be totally different for someone else, even in the same or higher dosages. For most people Oxycodone works best, but if your body gets used to it switching to another opiate for awhile could benefit you. My doctor has tried many different combinations with me. The most recent is 15mg of straight Oxycodone 3 to 4 times a day and I take Tylenol with it. I'm also on Fentanyl patch 100 every 48 hours and muscle relaxers. This combined with using my Tens and ice packs my pain is bearable. I also get weekly trigger point injections next to my spine, which instantly numbs the pain so I can be normal for a whole day.

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Im sorry but i live near u need a prescription for that @that pharmacy??

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I can understand why you are passionate about this subject, considering your mom's issues. Although I don't partake in marijuana, only tried it twice as a teen, I can understand the point you are making. But for me, a pill popper, I'm afraid to ask my PCP for this option. There's is such a stigmatization in being a "marijuana" patient. My family would come unglued if I were using this. I also think there's this fear, at least for me, that kids will have an easier time getting ahold of it. I hope you'll admit that when consuming marijuana you do become somewhat lethargic. Especially when used in excess, like any of the opiates you seem to despise. Marijuana is not for everybody. Our pain is not a so-called "cookie cutter" all for one kind of issue, as far as pain levels go. America is the land of choices and we should be able to make those choices, whenever and whatever we want. I felt I was being scolded by you because of how I have chosen to relieve MY pain. Maybe that wasn't your point, but nonetheless. I think when you are on your "soap box" next time you might be able to pursued people into at least believing in the benefit of this so-called miracle drug. It may be just that, but as people educate themselves on what's out there that may really work, will you find overtime the tolerance or attitude towards a specific something changes. It may take years before most, if not all of us, will sway our belief system.

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The Dif is that percocets are much much better more of a potent pain med better than about anything out there and they actually go upto 20mg! also you can get both without the Tylenol which is better for your liver.

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A norco 10 is stronger than a perc 5 but as equals the perc is stronger like a 10 vs a 10 because oxy is more refined is why it's stronger

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I have had M.S.for 27 years.That has progressed to lesions in my upper back/spinal that causes pain and with lower disc pain. I had this relapse Feb.2014. Having a hard time with this new control over narcotics which is the only thing that takes the edge off been on Norco since Dec.2014 and it stopped working. I hope these people who abused these meds and made it hell for us,gets Karma back or just pray to send them to hell.

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I been dealing w pain for over 10 years or more. severe bad disc in my back bulged heardnated tears lower lumbar 3 & 4 pain goes down my right leg. arthritis and some other problems my back. severe migraines about 5 a month last about 3 to 4 days severe pelvic pain a lot of stomach pain my appendix my gallbladder is out I had a full complete hysterectomy cuz I had cervical cancer but now I have the cancer cells back it's on the walls inside the vagina area I have a lot of stomach problems GERD Barrett's disease etc I also have severe anxiety and panic attacks so when I'm in more pain and that flares up even more I'm on Norco 10-325 3 times a day for a long time I've been through physical therapy cortisone shots chiropractor the stretching thing it just never seemed to work and now I told my doctor and Norco I need one extra pill she knows I take them how I'm supposed to I never have abused them but I've been on the same dose for years your body gets used to it so like I said I'm on 10 325 3 times a day every 5 hours but then she gave me neurontin for at night one pill 300 milligrams only at night I have a lot of allergies I have a hard time taking medicine so I always start low the the norco was working for a while and if I do take an extra pill a day make it for it's much better I just want to know is there something else out there a little bit stronger last longer and take less love maybe she will give me a RX for it and I forgot I also have a hernia in my stomach that is severely painful right now I don't know what to do anymore I'm tired of being in pain I just want something that works I seen two surgeons they don't want to do back surgery because they would have to fuse to disks and my age and they said it could make it worse and then have to go up and fuse more disks I guess a good doctor won't do back surgery a bad doctor would that's what people tell me but I need something a little stronger because this is just a waste taking something is that doesn't work it's useless I'm sorry I'm using my voice thing on my phone if some of my words are messed up I apologize and I didn't use punctuation but anyway that's my story thank you so much

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I was given Norco 325 for 12 dental extractions, to get immediate dentures along with steroids and antibiotics and 600mg acetomeniphen

I am still very uncomfortable but wondered if this pain medicine should be enough?

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This is the first time taking narco#5 and I just wanted to know the different between percocet which is the better

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I just started norco#5 and I want to know what is the difference between percocet #5

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