Percocet/oxycodone M523 10/325 (Page 3)
UpdatedHello all,
First off I'm new to posting here and I must admit this is probably a topic that is quite frequent and I have done days searching but can't seem to really find any info on my specific situation. I apologize in advance for the long post but I will introduce myself and situation.
I've been on oxycodone 10/325 for a little over a year now from a botched foot surgery and diabetic neuropathy in this same foot. It helps tremendously and seems to be the only relief I can get is from taking these. Whether its first thing in the morning to be able to stand up and get moving or whether it's to let me settle down and drift off to sleep which is something fairly hard to do. I also was recently diagnosed with PTSD from my job and I am currently out of work for this. It is not fun. The oxycodone also seems to just ease my mind as well as my pain and its honestly the only thing I've taken that helps with both.
I am under the care of a pain management doctor which I've been seeing since August 2015. My script is 90 for 30 days (3 a day). I try my best to stick to this as it is the dosage I'm required to abide by.. But at times I find myself taking 1-2 more a day than the normal 3 a day I'm supposed to take. Thus, resulting in my script "running out" early. So I turn to other means and each time it's usually something different. Nothing other than oxy but just different milligrams (sometimes 5s) and most of the time it's different manufacturers (sometimes it's pink only oxy no acetaminophen, sometimes yellow Vs and sometimes white IPs).
This last time I was given white ones with m523 on one side and 10/325 on the other. I became suspicious right away. After further examining them they also look rather "beat up" almost as if they were in someone's pocket for 2-3 days or drug across the ground. All the writing on them is lined up properly on each one and well centered. They seem very light weight. Almost like a hollow capsule would feel. Very chalky looking although there is a slight glaze on them in the light but nothing like the glaze that mine from the pharmacy have on them. And also you can very easily "chip" the pill with your fingernail and easily rub off the writing with your fingernail as well. And they dissolve into a chalky paste very quickly almost instantly as soon as they hit your tongue.
Which leads me to the next point.. Yes, I did take one. I noticed nothing different than normal for the first 20-30 minutes which is usually when the rush hits me. It felt like oxy. It was very short lived. All feeling was gone well within the hour and I was left extremely thirsty with an odd dry taste in my mouth and a dull but worsening pressure headache in the back of my head. Felt kind of odd. Not as I usually feel anyway. Kind of dizzy and couldn't really focus or bring myself to do anything. Was very sleepy actually and I felt as if I may throw up.
Anyways, this was my experience in a nutshell. I know a press for this particular pill can be purchased on on the internet for 150 bucks. I'm really on the edge about these. I feel like it could go either way I guess but I'm still suspicious. Like I said, I definitely got the "oxy Rush" that I'm so used to.. But is this something that can also be achieved with someone cutting these pills with fentanyl or xanxax or something else?? Im not taking anymore. I know the above aforementioned can easily kill and that's not something I'm going to play around with. Well I guess I covered everything that I wanted to cover.. And I do have pictures of these if you can even post them here and if I can figure out how.
Sounds like you are a pill popper. Like you are only taking it for a rush because you get upset that the rush is not longer lasting. I suggest you find help because pill addiction is real and it seems like it have you in its grasp
Yes these are most definitely FAKE. I got taken off my 30 mg morphine for a month due to cough syrup prescribed by my Mds office. So as we all know withdrawals are not pretty, but then I was given a prescription of these 10/325 and they did not take away pain. They caused more pain and made me sick to death..I noticed right away after only taking two of them and no not at a time..I do not abuse my any of my pain meds. This is why I could tolerate the withdrawals at the first month.. just a slight hot n cold feeling..But besides that my question is, why are the pharmacy's not doing anything about these fake meds? I am fixing to take these back and ask for a new prescription...And no they do not have fentanyl in them. If they did I or any of us would not be sick...I agree they are made with a xanax of some form..and yes I have something worse than cancer and was in a motorcycle accident and broke hundreds of bones and just burned my foot in a fire. I'll be darn if I am going to be stuck with FAKE MEDS..someone needs to contact the drug administration office on this...I am extremely poisoned by these meds.
I feel the same way. there's also two others. ip and a333 r fake. they dont help at all. every time i had to take them i never felt anything.
Just wanted to say that I get mine from the neoro pain center..then straight from the pharmacy. They are exactly as you described them. I am thinking perhaps the anticipation of not knowing for sure what you took could have added to the...what I would guess was some sort of panic attack. You are aware that panic attacks can cause many physical symptoms..including the ones you described. But I am no doctor..just wanted to give you something to think about. Mine are real...straight from the pharmacy..and they are exactly like the ones you took.
You don't mean to lecture yet that is all you've done. With the feds cracking down on pain killers it has become harder and harder to get them for legitimate purposes. And if someone wants to feel high, what's it to you? Why so judgmental? Everyone has vices and/or addictions. I believe all drugs should be legal--then there would be no need for counterfeiting. And what I put in my body is my business, as long as I'm not endangering the lives of others. Personally I like plant medicines--mushrooms, cacti, cannabis, which have been used for thousands of years safely, but if you want to take some zannies or a few norcos to forget about the ugliness of the world for a few hours--more power to you. Be safe, be kind.
M ..represent s malenkroft. They r lousy u need to always go to get your meds@ Walgreens they carry Watson brand way better
Nothing wrong with the m523 pill all in your head I been taking them a long time.
It's obvious you let that person get to you. Stop that! He or she as just St one person spouting off their personal thought. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT in tolarence and I have been on Percosett for over 10 yrs. The one you identified is real stuff. I was first prescribed 30 mg/7 times daily, I was Wonder Woman fully hooked. Not knowing a darn thing about them pills. Another Dr. Cold turkey me and I was feigning I did have honest pain after being trampled by a horse, screws in my neck, plate in the front of neck, lamanectomy twice of spine, scars on fac, knee Surgery-legs tore up. I turned to ibuprofen for pain and started eliminating dark runny poop. Thought it as the alcohol for my pain causing diarrhea. Next I think I knew I was being ambulances to save my life. The ibuprofen-ate holes in my stomach and I was bleeding out through the holes. I had last St half my blood almond St coma tossed. Be very careful of NSAIDs. Back to Percosettes, I am on them now after a dry spell of 4 years and so much pain. Alcohol only made my body and life worse. Please don't go on the same path as me, it was hell. I now take the 10/325's and suppose to take 2 a day .....ouch! I am taking 4 to 5 but I do run out early and I call in my clean up period. I am protected of myself and do not ask for anything more. I am grateful for what I do get and I have a perfectly healthy body and liver.......imagine that. Being a heavy equipment operator and commercial fisherman and crabber, I have kept in great health and good eating habits that saved my life. I am fortunate for what I put myself through. Seriously never again. I love climbing those Mt. Clearing land or sailing those hi seas and eating lots of fish, brain food. P.s. Still love horses and living. Dawn
You didn't say where you received them. To help you with your suspicion on if it's fake or not, then answer question #1. I just received mine from CVS ( If for some reason, you think they're fake, then go back to the source and ask for a replacement, reimbursement, contact a lawyer if you're suspicious. By law, each manufacturer has to chemically produce equal amounts in my opinion. But, hey, if the pharmacy refuses to take action, then take the pill, contact the DEA, and have them analyze it in a laboratory.
Just FYI the prescription I got at my pharmacy looks exactly as you described but has 523 on one side and 10/325 on the other.
Its sounds like they were real, but got into moisture leading to the rapid dissolving rate. When the pill is chewed, broken, crushed, or otherwise dealt with in a manner that would allow quicker absorbtion, the onset of the medication comes fast as well. This also causes earlier peak, more intense yet short lived plateau, and the effects of the medication cease much faster than if swallowed whole. This explains why you felt the drug, but not for very long and had greater side effects. Remember its roulette when taking medication against the recommended dose and directions. With many narcotics, 1 mg can be the difference between high and die. Please be careful no matter the tolerance, overdoses can happen to everyone.
Thank you for your honesty and your experience with them you I pray you have helped many people not to put the others in their body
I have been dealing with a lot of fake pills lately where I'm from. I have some of the m325s that I originally thought were fake due to their beat up like appearance. They are indeed real. If ever in doubt, there are a few tricks to tell if they are real.
1. I'll lick part of the pill and see if it has that bitter taste that pain pills have, then I'll drop it in a small glass of water and observe how it dissolves. If it dissolves slowly and evenly then that's a good sign. If it dissolves instantly then I'll throw it out. I had some Watson 853s recently that looked perfect. They even had the gloss coating on them. I licked it and didn't get any kind of taste. Then I dropped it in water and sure enough, it broke apart at the middle of the pill (not where the score is) and just sat there in the water. Parts of it didn't dissolve.
2. The second way to tell if they are legit is to break one in half and then grab a flashlight. Real Oxy and Hydrocodone will ALWAYS have tons of little crystals inside the pill that should be visible when you shine a light on them. I know this is an old thread but there are more and more fakes out there lately so I'm hoping this could help someone from taking a fake pill and potentially ending up in the hospital.
I know that this was posted awhile ago but I have had surgery to the point that right now the insides of my belly are on my outside and have had a wound vac for a very long time. I also have several drain tubes and battling cancer. I am on that medication and I either go through cvs pharmacy or walgreens. When I go to walgreens the imprint is A333, but when I go through cvs on one side of my medication it says M523 and on the other side the imprint is 10/325. So the fact that they have the milligram imprinted on the medication is not uncommon or unusual. If you ever have a question about a medication you should either not take it at all if it didn't come from a doctor or you can even call poison control...hopes this helps for the future and thanks for sharing!
This makes me so sad. I take these prescriptions because I've had numerous spinal surgeries and now have emphysema so bad it's bulging my chest out like a hump. I also have rheumatoid arthritis. I hurt. Every f***ing day I hurt. And I'm terrified that someone won't believe me because there are so many people playing with these like they are toys. If they take them away from me because they think I'm abusing them I won't be able to live with the pain. Not to mention my hands getting gnarled up. I used to be a beautiful woman. Now I'm horrific. But the pain. Oh the pain. Please do not waste your lives. I won't lecture you. I'll beg instead. Your people will miss you. I wish I did more things when I was healthy. Went for walks. Played with my dogs. Hugged my family. Now I hide. I don't want anyone to see me. I'm ugly. Please. I beg you. Wake up.
Maybe you should stick to your dose, the higher you go up in dose will lead to the medication not to work for you. And when something else happens they will not give you more. Their afraid of you OD
Addiction/ Dependency is very lucrative. If it come from the pharmacy go back and confirm. If not one has to realize that is dumb as hell. To many beating around the bush on these sights. Such nastiness.
Walk your dog with your chin held high and please hug your family no matter how you feel..they need you..don't forget are a beautiful
Amen. Pus get on suboxone and deal with the pain I am..and take black seed oil...pills are going to kill you for sure
Let me tell you something..... 10mg don't mean s*** unless you plan to take more than 6. The body and it's defenses are very tuned into what us *****s push and pull into our respective bodies...
I am so sorry to hear that you are in the pain you are in. I understand, I have stenosis in my lower back, bulging discs in my neck, and had my MCL repaired. The cold and especially the rain-moisture keep me in the bed as well. I had insurance through my old job now I pay everything cash and it is absolute insanity!! My doctor schedules me every 3 months because of FDA regulations and I pay for drug panels (so basically a visit is $300.00) plus whatever I pay at the pharmacy. I just want you to stay strong and I will keep you in my thoughts. I mean eventually it all has to work out for all of us in this kind of situation..
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