Pantoprazole Tablets 40mg


i have stamac pain last two years, in 2009 i had taken endoscopy, at that doctor confirm :gr I Esophagitis, fatty liver,then 28-05-2010 i have taken once again a OGD scopy, upper GI , impression is : lax les with gr I Esophagitis , mild diffuse gastropathy, but last8-10-10, i have pain in my stamac, doctor advised follow pantoprazole 40mg for 6 weeks ( before food), ciplox-tz tablets, i do not know what problem in my stamac, please give suggestions for me,

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The Pantoprazole is a proton pump inhibitor, it is used to help reduce the amount of acid that your stomach produces. Excess acid can irritate or cause conditions such as the Esophagitis.

Common side effects to it can include: nausea, drowsiness, abdominal pain and gas.

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The Ciplox-TZ is an antibiotic, it contains the active ingredient Ciprofloxacin.

I am only guessing, but it is likely your doctor gave you this, in case your stomach problem is caused by H.Pylori bacteria, which can cause ulcers or some other type of infective bacteria.

Side effects to it can include: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea.

Both bacteria and excess stomach acid production could be causing your stomach pain and it seems your doctor is trying to get to the root of the problem by using these treatment options.

Do you have any other questions?

You may also get some additional relief from using other antacids, such as Tums, that contains calcium.

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When ever I take some spicy food I develop pain in full colon region and the stomach is tighened up.Even Pantocid DSR does not have much effect and I have totake MAFTAL SPAS for relief.I am taking ORFLOX TZ BD as per doctor's advice still not much relief.What the problem-is it Amebyosis or Acidity or Gas problem.There is no symptom of apparent acidity like heart burn etc.

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Sounds like a spaztic colon. Ask Dr for colonoscapy

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i am diagnosed with gr-I fatty liver in Sep-2010 using ultra sound test again i under gone detailed testing in aug-2011 which shows fatty infiltrations in liver . the doctor advisevd me to use nex-pro rd-40. what purpose this drug is useful. please help me

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I'm taken pantoprazole 40 mg tab for my stomach. I was wondering If I can take a ex-lax with this medcine??

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Dr put me on Pantoprazole 40 mg after finding a peptic ucler. I feel worse than be for. Lit headed, weak, head ake, loss of appetite, lit dizzy ness off and on. Also taking vit C and iron. Is all this normal? While n the hospital I had trouble with my H H blood count being boarder Line. Let me out with it being 9.6. Thank you for your help.

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my name is manoj. Im a liver cirrhosis patient for the last 2 years....taking UDILIV and RIFAGUT since then....are these the right medicines??? I am on a salt restricted diet and abstained from alcohol stomach get disturb and i feel acute pain in the abdominal....pls suggest any further medicine???

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Pantoprazole is treatment for GERD /PEPTIC ULCER/ ESOPHAGITIS. YOU CAN ALSO USE - NEXPRO RD 40/(twice daily) RABEPRAZOLE 20mg,/ Omeprazole 20mg (thrice before meal.)

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