Pantoprazole 40mg Side Effects


leggs ache, headaches, chest and back discomfort and feel completly drained i just took my first pill about4 hrs ago is this normal

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It can cause some problematic side effects, in some people that take it, but they should wear off after awhile, once your body gets used to the medication.

Learn more Pantoprazole details here.

However, if they are severe enough to make you really miserable, then you should consult your doctor, there are other medications you can try, so there's no need to stick with one that makes you feel awful.

When found to have gastritis, I was first put on Omeprazole and it actually landed me back in the ER due to making my stomach pain even worse. I had to switch to Pepcid for a few months during the initial healing phase.

Are you also watching what you eat?

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Yes I am watching what I eat but I've never had side effects hit that quick

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Hi started taking Apo-pantoprazole 40mg. Having headaches is this normal

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