Pantocid It
Updatedfor GERD
7 Replies
Hi. I had gastric ulcer and treated with Pylori kit once and the stomach pain came back again after some time , so the doctor prescribed for Pantocid IT.
for two months .
is there any side effects for this and what is the action of this medicine
please reply in detail
Pantocid contains the active ingredient Pantoprazole, this is a proton pump inhibitor.
There isn't a listing for side effects, though all drugs do have some.
Is there anyone else out there with experience using this?
There isn't any side effect except constipation. I am on this tablets from last 15 days.
I am not medical practioner but, I am suffering from erythematous antral gastritis.
Side effects vary from person to person, just because you aren't experiencing many of them, does not mean that will hold true for everyone else using this medication.
i am suffering the gastric problem for last one month i had what types food taken
I am suffering from excessive acidity.When contacted an ayurvedic doctor, he forbid me from taking any antacid like PANTOCID .He prescribed some ayurvedic medicines but to no effect and I when stopped the use of Pantocid started having too much gas coming out of the mouth and from under belly.Is the use of Pantocid harmful and may I continue with its intake , one per day as advised by one allopathist.
hi myself ANP in past suffered from gastritis taken pylori kit but now adays feels same problems like fullness of stomach exessive acid secretion can i take pantocid- it cap for long time
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