Pancreatic Cancer
UpdatedI'd like to understand pancreatic cancer the cause & treatment ? My dearest & oldest friend just died of 56 yrs. Old help me to understand ?
2 Replies
Hello, Tina! How are you? I am so very sorry for your loss.
I don't think anyone can really understand it and/or explain it to you, nor is there any definitive cause to most types of cancer. There may be some things that possibly increase someones risk, but it really can't ever be said that if they had or had not done any particular thing, they would or would not have gotten cancer.
Some risk factors include a family history of it, advanced age, smoking and periodontal disease, but there are people that get it without having any of the risk factors.
There are also different treatment options, such as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, It all depends on the precise details in relation to anyone's individual case.
I wish I had a way to help you understand, but I really don't. Tragically, cancer just happens to many people for no explainable reason.
Are you seeing a grief counselor? That might really help you more.
Thank you for a reply ! My girlfriend & I were friends fr age 11 & were both 57 .It seems a few mo. After I heard she had pancreas cancer she had passed after they took out tumor ?
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