Pain Upper Right Abdomen While Taking Fenofibrate (Top voted first)


I Have extreme high Tryglycerites levels 940. Went to a Lipids clinic(when they tested down to 360 for some reason) and they said it wasn't lifestyle but heredity. I have been taking Fenofibrate for 30 days now and have developed a sharp pain in my upper right abdomen. Is this a concern?????

2 Replies

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Hello, Shane! How are you? I'm sorry about the problems you've been having.

Were you fasting, before these tests? If not, then the extremely high numbers may not have been accurate.

As to the pain, yes, it would be best to have this checked out by your doctor to be certain. It may just be a side effect, or it may be something more serious.

Fenofibrate is listed by the FDA as being used to help lower cholesterol and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache and joint/muscle aches.

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I take fenofibrate 160 mgs. I have the muscle pains and i started having pain in my lower right abdomen. It hurts pretty bad. My doctor ran alot of test and found nothing. I took the med. Quite awhile before i had the pain. It hurt in the left side somewhat but not like the right side.`I also take simvastatin.Is it possible the pain in my abdomen is from that?

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