Pain Clinic Florida
Updatedi am having trouble finding a pain management doctor that will perscribe medication.
After multiple surgeries my 4,5,6,7 cervical vertebray have been fused because of a work accident.
Also broke my right hip 2 years ago, plated and screws.
I am looking for a doctor that recognizes no amount of physical therapy will solve my pain problems
and perscribe pain medication.
Thanks for any help with this matter
1 Reply
Hello, Ron! How are you?
I'm sorry, but there's no listing of doctors according to whether or not they will prescribe anything that I can refer to for you. That is entirely up to the doctor and what they think is appropriate.
And if you're calling and asking new doctors if they'll prescribe such medications, most aren't even going to let you get in the door, because they view that as being drug seeking behavior.
Do you currently have a PCP that could refer you to someone? That may be the easiest way to find the help you need.
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