Oxymorphone Related To Oxycodone? (Page 3)
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I need to know if oxycodone is in any way related to oxymorphone. Does oxycodone break down in the system and then throw out oxymorphone chemicals like my doctor told me or is my urine test flawed like I believe it to be. There is no way I could have either one of these in my system yet my doctor (who really does not want to treat pain by medication only due to lack of payment by insurance company) tells me that the oxymorphone in my system is actually a chemical breakdown from the oxycodone. Comments or actual accurate knowledge anyone?

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Carl, ironically my pharmacists name, I'm lookin for an answer that I can't seem to find. You did a good job explaining all of that. A lit of people are quite uninformed. I knew all that you said except for the Opana, I know they are in the diladid fam called hydromorphine. question. Us coming... If one was to take oxymorphone, before a U/A, when they are prescribed oxycodone & MS Contin, & the p.m. is very used to seeing all if these on their patients &U/A's, plus the test is like 100 panel(well a lot). Is hydromorphone going to have its own box for them to check off or will it land under the oxycodone section? The tests are very thorough. I believe by what I have read that It's an iffy situation, if the liver truely turns our oxymorphone. I thought oxymorphone wad a natural pain killer our body releases when needed but I don't believe everything I read, however I do take it into consideration. :). I know that I'm replying to a very old discussion but I'm just hoping for your or anyone else's insight preferably before next Friday. Thanks

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I had a son in law that was seeing by a pain mgmt specialist and he was on according to the autopsy he was taking BUPROPIN METABOLITES AND CAFFEINE. Additionally,detected in the urine are the following: NICOTINE,EPHEDRINE/PSEUDOEPHEDRINE,GABAPENTIN,PESMETHYLSERTTRALINE,DESMETHYLSERTRALINE,ALPRAZOLAM,ALPHAHYDROXYALPRAZOLAM, NOROXCODONE. On top of all this the DR prescribed for the first time 30mg of morphine. His blood contained 2.7 mg/L .The first time he took the Morphine he passed away in his sleep.

The official cause of death was Toxic/Lethal level of free morphine (2.7 mg/L)

Severe acute lobar pneumonia likely secondary to aspiration, heavy lungs.

To mee this seems like a lot of morphine to give a patient for the first time and I would like to know your opinion to this along with all the other drugs prescribed,

Thank you for any infrmation you can provide.

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@Deb #29 I can not at all see why Telmisartan and HTCZ would effect oxycodone in anyway, a Blood Pressure medicine with a diuretic.It is an angiotensin receptor blocker with a water diuretic. I have no idea where you would come up with that, unless you are really reaching??

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Oxycodone has the active metabolite of oxymorphone, but not visa versa, as Oxymorphone does not have an active metabolite of Oxycodone.

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If you are taking40mg Micardis HCT, and then take a urein test to see if you have been taken your 20 mg oxcodone, can you test negative for not taking oxcodone? Or could come up low in your system?

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hydrocodone in 27 is suppose to be hydromorpone..sorry.

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Let me take that one step further. If you take Oxycodone you will have oxycodone and oxymorphone in your system. If you take Oxymorphone, you will not also have oxycodone in your system. And for the one for help and asking if the hydocodone will be of help in his situation. Answer ...NO. But, a lot of places only test for the group, rather than the actual medication, do to costs. As I was tested several things showed up. All cool, ones was opiates....as you would be cool there, another was Methamphetamine or amphetamine like substances. Ah the amphetamine like substances, they guested at the meth, but I was and still taking Dextro Amphetamine (Dexedrine) again I'm cool, even if I was taking Benzedrine an amphetamine, I would be cool, because my Dexedrine would cover amphetamine like substances. As I said mine only comes back as opiates....not the kind. Good Luck.

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Oxymorphone is an active metabolite of oxycodone. It is sold as pain relieving Class II opiate called Opana.
Oxymorphone is a minor metabolite of oxycodone. Chronic pain patients treated with sustained- and/or immediate-release oxycodone tested for both oxycodone and oxymorphone by urine drug testing. Hope that make things clear for you.

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I had my regular pain clinic appointment this morning and saw a substitute doctor since mine is out on leave. Of course, she wanted a urine sample. Now, here's the thing...I usually take 40mg Opana x2 daily but have been out of them so I've been taking 30mg Oxycodone x6 daily instead. From what I've been reading, I think I'll be okay on the urine results but not 100% sure. Can anyone provide some insight on this please? Will I be or not be okay on the results? Also here's another thing...my 40mg Opana (which aren't available this month by my regular pharm) got switched to 30mg Opana. Then on top of that, the 10mg Opana IR aren't available either!! So, the end result regarding my script was this....Original script = 40mg Opana ER x3 daily + 10mg Opana IR x2 daily >>> New script = 30mg Opana ER x3 daily + 8mg Dilaudid x3 daily. Is this "new script" going to be equivalent to the "original script"?? I'm really worried that it's not enough. Any thoughts/comments would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!!

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Oxymorphone is a minor metabolite of Oxycodone.

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Ive had many doctors assume Im a drug seeker cause I have a tattoo on my finger! Everyone has tattoos these days, its like jewelry. I started bringing my husband in with mr to Dr. visits & funny, the attitude stopped. But dont let me go to appt alone or attitude comes back. I have severe arthritis &degenerative disc disease in spine with 3 discs already gone. Pain meds are a necessity, not a fun thing.

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Gee...ya know what would be really great?...If these so-called physicians, "pain management" and otherwise titled medical personnel were actually mandated to be qualified to interpret the lab results that they routinely perform. My God! The loss of livelihoods that these doctors compromise for so many people is an absolute outrage and the 'government(s)' should mandate that these nimrods have the proper education. How utterly ridiculous that a physician who 'specializes' in this BS pain management doesn't apparently have the intelligence to refer to basic information to accurately determine lab results that they themselves require of their patients. I am appalled they are allowed to practice at all!--Maybe more lawsuits, hitting these bozo's where it hurts (wallets and losing their MD licenses) is the only way innocent patients who take their legitimate, prescribed medications can be saved from this 'malpractice.' Wow! Forget "intelligence," this is effing COMMON SENSE! Where did these dumb-a**** graduate from? Something is horribly wrong with the 'system' when so-called doctors apparently wouldn't get out of nursing school, let alone medical school..Standards seem to be very low. Talk about 'pill mills!'....how about 'pain management' (training?)mills. Sorry for 'rambling' and I'll 'shut up' soon, but this really angers me. And, nothing will change anywhere if there is no accountability...and there will never be accountability if there are no consequences. And, also, it's a pretty sad state of affairs when a patient has to tell a doctor how to properly read lab test results...ya think!!!!!!!

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I'm going to give my 3 cents worth. So now it's of much value. I may be of some assistance. One person asking of help for court on the metabolites. Off the top of my head is the PDR as one of many. The discussions on Vicoden, Norco Lortab Lorcet and on and on is (hydrocodone with (APAP aka acetaminophen aka Tylenol or asprin) are always included to keep them a Schedule III. Hydrocodone by itself is a Schedule II drug and so they don't market it in that form. We won't go into the cough syrups. Percocet, Percodan, Oxycotin,ect ect ect are oxycodone with or without APAP or asprin (with or without time release, with many different doses. One of many metabolites of oxycodone is oxymorphone (Opana). Oxycodone does break down to oxymorphone and oxymorphone does later metabolite into morphine, but not the reverse. It is not the only metabolites and depends on how much it's broken down in your body before you pee it out (will assume for this urine testing) Just as codeine metabolites to 10% morphine and will show up as morphine and not codeine in a drug test. Testing will show up different opiate metabolites at different stages of metabolism. Is someone copy and pasting, I'd swear I've read that word for word in a manual. It's OK, get the word out, but should mention the source. So be it, then my source is years of studying books and manuals on medications, mostly psychotropic ones aka knowledge. Also, drug tests, unfortunately since their results can cause great harm to the participant from loss of job, to loss of freedom, are more and more becoming filled with errors, possibly from there predominant use (making for getting the results faster and faster) as to their very limited use years ago. I don't believe it is at an acceptable rate. Zero tolerance for error is the only acceptable rate, sense we can retest the specimen, or do a hair test, the cost going to the one in error, as a back up. Sorry about the soap box, I'll put it away for now.

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Good luck to you and your husband. If you explain the situation to your current or next pain doctor he/she should understand and at least be aware of the conversion to oxymorphone. Unfortunately some of the pain management docs out there are morons with prescription pads who assume everyone is a junkie. These same docs do not do the research in order to distinguish between lab results and possible false positives for other opiates. In relation to the oxycodone/morphone conversion, to my knowledge no other opioids will show up as anything other than their true name. Which doesn't necessarily mean they're not out there. Advice: Other than oxycodone, no other opioid is terribly beneficial taken orally. Even though some docs may want to prescribe oral dilaudid, opana ir or
morphine, they do not work as well due to low oral bioavailability. Meaning a lot of the active pain relieving medicine is wasted during ingestion. Good luck to you both.

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Thank you to all who gave info on how the the heck oxymorphone showed up in my husband UDI test...because of testing postive for oxymorphone he has been terminated from the WHOLE health group alltogether...I mean I am jus shocked that these "Doctors" who are requesting the tests can't even research why they would find another drug, after years of tests with no problems but because of being profiled as what a "drug addict" looks like....and have the balls to insinuate my husband is taking something different than prescribed!!! My husband has lived a hard life with a disability that has pretty much caused him enormous pain everyday of his life, he has a disease called Charcot Marie Tooth, depending on the different levels of it, has disintegrated all his calve muscle and his forearms have lost severe muscle, his hands are deformed, and wears braces or he cant even walk, but because he has tattoos and is on disbility this doctor automatically smiled in his face than turned around n said "pill head"...We are so pissed off and now worried this inconclusive test will ruin his next treatment from another doctor...thank you for the Jennifer Schnieder link that was truly a God send..
We wish everyone good luck and hope it all works out but this is truly sad....

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Oxycodone does metabolite to Oxymorphone, but not the reverse. Codeine metabolizes to about 5% Morphine, but not reverse. Vicoden and all the other names such as Norco or Lortab all are Hydrocodone and APAP in different quantities.They always have APAP in them to keep them a schedule III, Hydrocodone by it's self is a schedule II and so they don't make it by itself. It does come in Hycodan and Hycomine cough syrups, schedule III, but have over the counter, or non Federally Controlled active ingredients in it. (Hycodan is 1 tsp. = 5mg hydrocodone and 12.5mg Phenergan).unlike codeine cough syrups which is a schedule V and only because of smaller dose codeine than of a III like the pills. Hydromorphone hci is Dilaudid, 2mg,4mg,8mg and 3mg and 5mg suppository and as a cough syrup, 1 tsp = 1mg and yes, it is still a schedule II and IV injections are usually 1.5mg hydromorphone in a usual dose in the hospital and is 8 times stronger than morphine on a weight to weight basis orally and IV injection comparably. Oxycotin is time released oxycodone, such as Percocet without the APAP. Oxycontin does not come in a 160 mg tab, it did several years ago, production ceased years ago at the bequest of the FDA. Opana (oxymorphone) comes in 5 mg,10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, and 40 mg. The 7½ mg and 15 mg strengths of Opana ER have been discontinued as of March 1, 2011. Some resources assert that inluding the 5 and 10mg a 2, 12 and/or 15 mg IR tablets and 25, 36 and 50 mg extended release tablets will be introduced. No time frame set. The round yellow pill with a M and thought to be oxycodone with a 10 and HCI on it's bottle is 10mg oxycodone HCI. Oxycodone is a hydrocloride aka HCI which is very soluble in water. The M is for Mallincroft the generic manufacturer. Fentanyl is more than 100 times stronger than morphine, that doesn't necessarily make it better, it just comes in smaller doses obviously. It's what works for you. Some have a more drowsy effect or euphoric effect. All of these are semi-synthetic drugs from opium and morphine is a methylated from opium. I had to straighten out some answers on this an a few other threads that were related to this one, so all don't necessarily pertain to this one. Had to get the right info out there. I feel much better... now it's time for a Dilaudid :)

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Hi everyone, I have a really important question. About 3 months ago I switched pain managment Doctor's. I had been seeing the first PM Doctor for almost a year and there was never any issue with any urine test I ever took with my first pm Doctor.. I have taken a total of 3 urine tests with my new pm Doctor and as expected there was never any issue with the urine test's I was given by this new Doctor. A few day's ago I went for my Monthly Follow-Up Appt. The Doctor told me that my last urine test from the previous month had not detected any Oxymorphone in my system. He pulled out the Calloway Labs Final Report and showed me the final report. Under the "Opiates" category it stated that I was "Positive" for Oxycodone, yet negative for "Oxymorphone". The lab report also said the word 'inconsistent" next to the Oxymorphone category. How is this possible? I am precribed to take 3 10/325mg Endocet's a day for my pain issues and no other opiates.. I am hoping someone can explain this to me. Also, how long does it take to metabolize a 10/325mg Endocet pill into a typical traceable amount of Oxymorphone in ones urine? I took another urine test about 2 fay's ago and the Doctor said if the next test comeds back with the same result's, there would be "problems". All feedback and opinions are appreciated!

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Striker23-First off, vicodin is not oxycodone it is hydrocodone. Both are completely different opioids. Oxycodone is the active ingredient in percocet and oxycontin as well as a schedule 2 narcotic. Vicodin is a schedule 3 narcotic and not as strong as oxycodone. Second, oxycodone converts into oxymorphone in the liver. If you were to be urine tested, both oxycodone and oxymorphone would show up. Depending on the extent of the urine test, vicodin would either show up as hydrocodone or just an opioid. Either way, both opana(oxymorphone) and vicodin(hydrocodone) would show up seperately. Hope this helps!

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Which medication works better for you if you have severe cronic Opana or Oxycodone?

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If oxycodone is detected as oxymorphone my question is this - Opana is oxymorphone and Vicoden is oxycodone, can a urine test that found oxymorphone distinguish which drug, Opana or Vicoden, was detected? I'm assuming that Opana and Vicoden both would be detected as oxymorphone. Thanks.

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