On Mirtazapine For 2 Weeks (Top voted first)


I have been on Mirtazapine for 2 weeks. What am I supposed to feel like when it kicks in?

4 Replies

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Don, if you have a lot of anxiety and panic attacks mirtazapine will help with that. I can't see where it does much for depression because i don't take it fot that. I guess it would be ok for depression because it numbs all your senses. I don't laugh much or cry or feel any of my emotions which is bad. I would advise just taking as small a dose as you can before bed and not take any during the day. Seems to have less physical symptoms or side effects than other antidepressants i have been on. It doesn't effect sexual function like a lot of them do. Hope this helps.

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I been on mirtazapine 30mg. now for 3 years. I take 1/4 pill twice daily and one before bed and one when i wake up in middle of the night. I missed a dose and realized i could feel my emotions which felt good so i decided to try to slowly withdrawl. I cut the pill in quarters and was going to take 1/4 less each week. Tomorrow will be the first full week taking the 1/4 pill less and i feel like crap. I'm 62 yrs old bty. This med. numbs my emotions, but I am going to go back to the 30mg. because i can't take these withdrawl symptoms. Can't believe they are this bad from cutting out 1/4 pill. My muscles ache and my anxiety and panic attacks are really bad and just feel sick. I just decided it isn't worth feeling this bad and all i can do is just continue to take the full 30mg. I also take three 0.5mg. of Lorazpam 3 times a day and 3mg. of Lunesta at night to sleep. The Lorazepam helps with the anxiety and panic attacks, but doesn't stop them without the full 30mg. of Mirtazapine. I don't see how anybody can come off of Mirtazapine if i feel this bad after cutting out just a little over 7mgs. a day. Anybody know how to come off Mirtazapine without feeling this bad?

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Don, there is no defined way you should feel. It can take as long as 4 to 6 weeks to reach it's full effectiveness in your body and, by then, you should feel some relief from the problems you are taking it to treat.

Jehodiah, that might be too large of a cut down for you to handle. Have you talked to your doctor about it? You might need to do an even slower one.


The Lorazepam may also be contributing to your problem, since it can also cause that dampening of the emotions in some people.


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When i start to respond to remeron i just start to feel like things will work out. "there is a way, just relax and take a moment'', That's how it makes me feel when I am taking it.

It is very subtle; I would recommend some therapy or support group for feedback. I mean right now depression is probably much worse than we realize. We are going outside again, we are fine, the world is changing so slow down, and remember to be there. Support with this drug is useful. Or maybe support is just useful for depression?

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