On A Breathalyzer Will Suboxone Test Positive (Top voted first)


I dont use my husband has prescription for AA.Hehas to do random breathalyzers and UA's for his job. His breathalyzers was positive. He put the suboxone film under the tongue @ 1 , got the notice ! 130 . Test done at 145-155 was positive, he told the dr's office and gave the pkg to the sub. waited 15mins and retested and was good. But, now cannot go back to work cause of the first positive. Please help , advise with information please.

2 Replies

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Could you explain this a little bit better?? Is he prescribed suboxone? Even if, I've never heard of a breathalyzer testing for opioid? ?

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I just had a breathalyzer 5min after suboxone.and tested pos for etoh Waited15min washed my mouth out came out negative So maybe it does Now on I'm waiting 20min after suboxone

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