Older Person On Viibryd (Top voted first)


Terrible stuff, disturbing dreams, anger bursts, crying bouts, blood vessels in eye burst first day or so. I am 74, female. This is awful- Unpredictible anxiety, feelings of doom, insomnia. Have weaned myself from 40 mg to 5-10 mg. daily-must continue on that, I feel, to eventually have no side effects that upset my entire well being. NOTHING is worth feeling like this. God help me.

3 Replies

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Hi, Judy! Wow, that's terrible! I am so sorry you've been so miserable due to this medication.

However, I can assure you that you aren't the only person this has happened to, these medications are known to backfire in some people that take them, regardless of age and there have been other posts about it.

Have you consulted your doctor?

They may be able to help you wean yourself off of this last dosage, to end the problems altogether.

The modern preferred method that's commonly used now is to have the person start skipping days, for instance they may have you take it for 6 days, skip the 7th, then for 5, skip the 6th and 7th and so on.

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Thank you for you help online-I have now had no med. for 2 days ( at that time took 5 mg. last day) but terrible crying bouts, fear and hopelessness etc. have continued periodically today. (twice) insomnia is really the culprit now-can't sleep without disturbing dreams and immediate waking, so no sleep but a few here and there for yesterday and today. I hope I'm on the right tract getting off of this horrible med. It's just getting past the number it does on my physic.. Thank you Verwon. . .

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To all those taking or about to take Viibryd-please carefully check this out with all sources-I would recommend that NO ONE ever take this due to side effects which proved to be disabling for me. I wrote to this side several times with updates on what was happening to me. Finally, after a 2 days of taking only 2 1/2 to 5 mg. of Viibryd I slept only one half hour on 7/21/13, but it was the beginning of the end of the horrible spells I was having. I awoke refreshed somewhat, still anxious which escalated and ebbed thru out the next week. Immediately, I discontinued the tablets going completely cold turkey at this point. The fear and crying spells are still with me, but not nearly what they were before. I can sleep now, not always in my bed, usually the recliner, and I do fear the unknown some. All in all I'm a whole lot better as my sleep has returned and anxiety is at bay. This med plays havoc with your mind which in turn can ruin your whole being. Stay away, please. . .

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