Nuzak Side Effects (Top voted first)


I have been on nuzak for about eight day's for anxiety. If anything i am worse. Can barely function or get out if bed.Should i persevere as i desperatly want some quality of life back.

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Hello, Juliet! How are you?

Nuxak is list as containing the active ingredient Fluoxetine and it is normal for things to worsen for a few weeks, before it reaches its full level of efficacy in the body and starts alleviating such symptoms. I've found that it usually takes about 3 weeks.

The U.S. FDA lists its typical side effects possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth.

If things don't improve after a couple weeks, then you should consult your PCP as it may not be the right medication to help you.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Hi, I have been on Nuzak for about 11 years. I had no problem up until about a year ago when I started experiencing a strange sensation all over my body like my nerve endings was on the outside of my body. Any sound, any small movement sent pulses through my body like I touched an open nerve. It is the strangest thing and almost impossible to explain. I was told it is my Nuzak and that I need to go of off it. so I did. Its been almost 3 weeks now and the sensations has not passed. Could this still be the Nuzak working out of my system or has it been something else from the start and had no relation to the Nuzak use.

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