Nuvigil Side Effects (Page 9)


I'm having severe side effects from nuvigil. Muscle and joint pain with numbness and tingling down my arms.

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I have severe sleep apnea. I did well with Provigil. Did experience muscle tension around my neck but it was tolerable. On switching to Nuvigil the pain became intense and traveled down my arm. Associated with numbness. Off these medications for 2 years now and I am finally feeling better. If you have these symptoms stop the medications before the symptoms become permanent.

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Stop taking the Nuvigil, all reviews have been negative. I experienced the same symptoms you described. I now take Aderrall and I have no side effects, with the exception of eyes being a little dry at times. I just use natural tear eye drops.. Much better than headaches and joint pain.

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I've been taking provigil for 8 yrs and worked well for me.
my started a new job with the same company, just a different hospital and the insurance will not pay for the script. they made me take a sleep study which said i have mild apnea. Know the want me to go to a Pulmonologist
to be fitted for a mask, that i can not wear because i can not sleep on my back. meanwhile while i am waiting for this to go through the motions i tried nuvigil
because i was able to get it at a discount and pay for it.
The 1st day i took it i felt great and thought it was going to be even better than the provigil. the second day i took it my chest felt tight and had some palpitations,cotton mouth, and my sinuses were filled with this heavy white mucus. i stopped taking it for a couple days and talked t the nurse that said try taking half of it, but the same thing happened. I stopped it again a couple days ago.
I woke up this morning and my right hand is extremely weak and is twitching, I'm really nervous because i never had any kind of feeling like this before, Has anyone heard of such a symptom ?

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I took it for just 1 month and started the jerking of limbs. I haven't taken it since and I still have jerking limbs but not as bad or often as 2 or 3 months ago. I am afraid that this is somehting that I will alway have so beware.

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I tried it for my m.s. fatigue also but the side effects were not worth it. The headaches were awful, I was so nauseated it was hard to eat. By day three, I was vomiting, the good part about that was it helped a little with the nausea. I was so exhausted on the drug, that I was napping two or three hours at a time. The weird thing is I felt a little more clear headed, but I was exhausted by the insomnia it caused. I know that doesn't make much sense, it made none to me, but that was how it worked on me. I was also very nervous while on this medication. Next up is Adderall, I'm hoping that works better for me.

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I'm 32 just got diagnosed with narcolepsy and like you no medical history but narcolepsy. The nuvigil has been working great the 3 weeks I've been on it & now all of a sudden I have severe neck & back pain & burning sensation in my spine. Ive never been on any Prescription meds. Did you ever find out why you had the pains?

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I'm a 55 year old male that was prescribed NuVigil (250 mg) for ADD several months ago. I stopped taking it because of the side effects. While it gave me increased energy and allowed me to focus better, these benefits went away after a month. Like another poster noted, it can produce a tendency to only want to satisfy themself. NuVigil did not help with "normal" intimate relations with my female partner, it made them worse.

The other problem was severe joint pain and numbness, mostly confined to my left wrist and elbow. (I masturbate with my right hand BTW). After I stopped taking NuVigil, all of the pain and numbness went away but it took several weeks for it to go away completely. I don't want to look at porn sites anymore and normal relations have returned.

One thing I have noticed from the comments here is that people overwhelmingly report pain and numbness on the LEFT side of their body. This is probably significant somehow.

I suppose NuVigil is a blessing to many people but I think it is dangerous and should be looked at again by the FDA. There's obviously a scam going on with the pricing also. Cephalon has been pushing this stuff heavily and running radio ads for it on financial talk shows in our area. They're trying to attract the stock brokers and hedge fund managers judging by the way the ads are designed. They are among the few that can afford this stuff if their insurance won't pay for it.

Let's face it - NuVigil is popular because it gives you a speedy feeling legally. You can get to sleep at night if the pain in your limbs permits and you aren't masturbating yourself to death. I have determined it ain't worth it!

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I thought Nuvigil was doing ok and attributed recent urinary symptoms and new onset htn to just getting old - UNTIL I did some research. It might be worthwhile discontinuing and reevaluating in 3 months?!?

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Ive been taking a 250mg Nuvigil tab half in the a.m and the other half before noon for over a year and a half. Now I'm experiencing numbness in my hands when I lay down and joint paint in my shoulders, knees and major pains in the back of my head on one side from time to time. Im going to see my Doctor Fri...10-14-13

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Do talk to your doctor. You might want to refer your doctor to this web site. Joint and muscle pain appears to be a common post FDA approval adverse effects. Once Nuvigil or Provigil is stopped it will get better. It may take several months to notice the improvement.

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I started taking nuvigil 150mg, on the fifth day I began to tingle in my left hand, it began to spread from top of my skull to tip of my toes, every time I tried to walk, my legs gave out, I thought maybe it was just weird, so I took it the next day to see if I had the same reaction and sure enough around hour three after taking it, the tingling started again and my legs became jello. My arms were fairly limp and my jaw just would work as I tried talking, my associates said I talked like a drunk, slow and slurred. I cut the pill in half hoping it would go away, but my legs still feel stupid, especially down the whole backside. Does anyone else have anything similar?

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From earlier post... By the way, I was diagnosed possibly with shift work sleep disorder, and and the while nuvigil has taken the edge off of my sleep attacks, I am still tired but I atleast do not crash, I just don't understand why my legs kept giving out me, please, has anyone has had similar symptoms,

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Did you stop or did your body get used to it? About 10 minutes after I take it, my neck and back start killing me! I'm afraid to keep taking it, but I was hoping it will go away!

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I was taking Provigil off and on since early 2011. The Provigil was fine. I took about 300 mg. No problems. I had insurance and could afford it.
Then, I couldn't afford it by mid to late 2013. The company (Cephalon through Teva) no longer gave Provigil to those who have limited incomes or no income (I had to leave a job and then had no insurance or income).
Instead, the company pushed Nuvigil because Provigil went of patent, and now the company wants everyone to pay for nuvigil. By the way, generic Provigil costs just as much as brand Provigil. Go figure!.
At first, I didn't even feel anything, as far as wakefulness from it. It was like taking an M&M. I did have bad heartburn and a headache. I figured I'd give it a chance. Then, it did start to work for me. Over the past couple of weeks, I have developed a swollen tongue with cankers sores and my tongue is so large, I keep biting it when I speak.
I don't know why this is happening now. But, a friend said had tried 1 Nuvigil once and he said he nhad sores in his mouth from it. So, I assume it is the culprit. Just weird why it is suddenly happening, now.

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You've got the same issue as I do, I've also been taking it for almost two years now. I just kinda thought it may be due to my job. I eventually went to a neuro doctor and he says I have carpel tunnel... How did your visit go?

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keep changing my doses don't work I took 450mg to see if it would help nope same after couple hours I was so sleepy I couldn't hold my head up!! what the hell.... what's wrong with me!!!!!

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This same thing happened to me this morning. Anxiety attack so bad I called EMS bcz shortness of breath and weakening in legs, sweaty hands& feet, and..the very first thing I noticed within abt 45min of taking 150mg tab was 'blurred vision'.
Im desperate to combat my horrible fatigue but,..not sure this is for me.
Thank You ALL for your posts. Now I know it's not just me.

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Absolutely identical thing with me.

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Same identical thing with me. Wait until you have grounded your teeth and need dentures. Happened to me in a matter of a few months.

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I began taking Nuvigil perhaps 3 years ago? What I've just read from many of you tells me you don't understand the drug interaction with your body very well. 1st., Nuvigil should be given in low doses at first. It is addicting. It does cause constipation. Speak with your Dr. about Lactulose or something else for constipation. Nuvigil seems to tighten and cause my metabilism to slow down a lot but that is very subjective. If you have severe back pain which is also caused by constipation, Lactulose does help. A working metabilism is a must, fast or slow. The constipation also causes cramps. Any stimulant can cause neck pain, headaches and more. Don't think it works quickly. It takes quite some time for you to wake up. If you're already on a tranquilzer it may help but don't start them if you don't need them. A lot of water can help. It took me a long time to study Nuvigil's effects on my body. I hope this helps some of you.
I have a severe sleeping problem. I can sleep for 4 days straight and don't have the strength to stay up more than a short while. We don't know what it is yet. Nuvigil gave me a pounding heart at first so I cut it in quarters. I now use more than 250 mgs a day but I don't seem to have a problem with it. The most one should take daily is 500 mgs. I know most people don't need that amount I have many conditions including Severe Essential Tremor, severe back pain, and a slew of other stuff. The Nuvigil helps very much. With Narco it seems to keep me up and working. I have quit painkillers to see if they caused anything but after 3 months I knew why I needed them. Pain. Still I sleep so much that I'm not functioning properly.

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