Nuvigil Side Effects (Page 4)


I'm having severe side effects from nuvigil. Muscle and joint pain with numbness and tingling down my arms.

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I have been using nuvigil for about 2 yrs, was on provigil for 7 yrs before , for hypersomnolence following mva . I have noticed stuttering and a weird mouth movement both. I thought it was a late sequelae to my motor vehicle accident . Also developed muscle spasms around eyes, thought mva because lot of injury on face.

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I have an overlap of auto-immune disorders Lupus/Sjogren's Syndrome. I was going through a difficult flare-up the beginning of March. I went to a neurologist to rule out Lupus affecting CNS. He prescribed Nuvigil to give me increased energy. I am very wary about taking any new drug, but after another week of being mostly in bed I decided to try it. On the 2nd day I took it, I had an episode of severe muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, joint pain, tingling in hands and feet, and feeling as though I was going to pass out. The symptoms faded after 1-2 days. I didn't even think of the Nuvigil as having anything to do with it. My rheumatologist and neurologist had no answers....they attributed it to my auto-immune problems and my current flare-up. So after another 2 weeks of still feeling fatigue, muscle aches and mild weakness, I thought I would give the Nuvigil another try. Later that afternoon, I had a similar episode with the muscle weakness, tingling, fluttering in chest/difficulty breathing, but it didn't get as severe as the other episode. Also, I broke out in a rash this time. The symptoms faded 1 day later. The rash is what tipped me off to a possible allergic reaction. These two episodes have been in addition to my flare-up and my recovery time is longer. I'm going on almost 2 months out of work. I am allergic to Sulfa meds. Of course docs say "It doesn't sound what a reaction to Nuvigil would be like". and many other things to make you feel like you're imagining your symptoms. A very big coincidence if you ask me. But doctors don't want to here what I have to say, they just want to tell me that "this is not the typical pattern of......" or "I don't see any signs of ......" or "your bloodwork doesn't show any signs of .....". So basically I get the impression from the docs that I enjoy being sick and love to make up symtoms that go against the research so as to perplex everyone. Well I wish it was just a bad nightmare that I would wake up from. The symptoms are very real and have impacted my daily living significantly.

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Day 2 of Nuvigil so far for my narcolepsy. Last night I would constantly wake up, toss and turn then fall back asleep. Also took me longer to fall asleep. Knew I was tired because I had been yawning since 6pm. Did the job as far as keeping me awake during the day. No bad side effects so far. I've noticed that I'm itching in various places off and on, but it is tolerable. If it keeps me up a few more nights I might try splitting my 150mg pill in half.

Hopefully I don't have anything as severe as some of you guys have had. Scary!

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are you still experiencing this? I had that side effect for the first month or so (lost some weight) then I got used to having no appetite and forcing myself to eat and gained it back now for some reason the symptoms have been back really badly.... I literally gaged up a carrot with hummus...I can't bring myself to eat it's so frustrating been dealing with this for like three weeks now

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Yes, feeling much better. Been on for a few weeks now. More energy, better mood, appetite and muscle strength are back. Good luck to you, and God bless.

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Started April 25th taking it. Worked great for that week, probably too good as I couldn't sleep well at night and a pressure feeling at the back of my neck. So I split my 150mg pill in half Saturday. Did not take Sunday because I didn't have to work. Took half a pill Monday and was sleepy by lunch and all throughout the afternoon. Took half a pill Tuesday, same thing. So I took a whole pill Wed. thinking 75mg just won't working and I was still very tired and nodding the whole day. Not to mention a tremendous headache and an extreme pressure or tension feeling on the back of my neck. Got home from work and slept for 10 hours! Cut it back to half a pill today and so far so good. No way I take a whole pill again.

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Oldb77 : Try taking half in the morning & half (or even quarter) about an hour before you usually start feeling sleepy. I really feel that would work well for you based on your comments. And the stiff neck really does get better. Also, probably a stupid question, but... have you tried anti-depressants, and if so, how many tries?

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Julie: Yes I was on Paxil for a couple of years and was eventually winged off of it. It made me a zombie. I started taking that after a low point in my life. After I stopped I didn't return to a state of depression that I noticed. But I did eventually develope an anxiety disorder in which I am now taking Lopressor for.

Thanks for the tip but so far ever since that spell, half a pill of Nuvigil has worked for me.

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Well, I'm very glad things are better for you. A side note though... Lopressor is for blood pressure, not anxiety.

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I've been on Nuvigil for just over a year now. I take it for Narcolepsy and it has been life changing. I don't have the cataplexy type narcolepsy, but just the "need to sleep so bad it hurts" kind of narcolopsy. During my MSLT tests, I as hitting REM in 30 seconds. Anyway...I take half a 150mg tab in the morning about 15 minutes after eating. I'm able to stay awake all day, but the effects start to wear off around 8pm, so it works out pretty well. At least I'm able to stay awake for work, driving home, and talking to my wife (helpful hint: it's not good for a marriage to fall asleep during a conversation LOL). I've had very little side effects, but have started to develop tingling in my left arm and leg. I'm not sure if it's the nuvigil though, because the tingling seems to be positionally dependent, in that it starts to "go to sleep" any time I let it hang for more than 2-3 minutes. My doc isn't concerned, but I am, so I'm a bit concerned about my doc. At this point, the positive effects are way outweighing the tingling, but if it gets much worse, I'll have to reconsider.

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I took 200 m. Provigil for a long time with no problems but Dr. insisted I try 250 mg. of Nuvigil. At first just had weird dreams. After about 2 months, developed extremely high blood pressure. Have always had low blood pressure. With Nuvigil it went up to 159/57. Stopped it and BP went back to normal. Took Nuvigil again and it went way up again. Stopped taking it and told Dr. what happened.

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I just got super jittery, heart raced, felt like I'd collapse.

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I have taken for a couple weeks. Told doc it doesn't work and he upped my dose from 250 to 300. My back hurts on left side at night hurts to move and hard to sleep. I want to take yohimbe with caffiene for narcolepsy cuz no side effects and IT WORKS!

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I also notice ear ringing. Insomnia too is drivin me nuts. Docs not listening to me since I wanna take yohimbe and its non prescvription but helps my severe narcolepsy better than anythhing else.

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Julie Dont Give up I have been so tired I cant move I know How you feel.all of you please contact me by email or phone as I am working on this I am a 50 year old nice looking verry good shape the reason I told you this is I sould feel fine but tired I found out How to fix this you must all know provigil is a verry good but over priced nuvigil use to work but now there product has change when the patton wen off on provigil so what you get one day works but not the next I am ckicking all this out by a LAB and found some of my pills are not even nivigil Im so pist off it junk it cost me 350.00 for 30 tabs I pay for out of pocket I will get something that will work for all of us get on my list we need to stick together thay dont care abought you its all profit. Julie when armodafinil works beleave me your life will be back and you will love it.

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Provigil - YES
Nuvigil - NOOOOOOO!!!!
I took Provigil for years and it worked. No side-effects. Because of a new insurance formulary, I had to switch to Nuvigil. I've taken 250mg for 6 wks. Others say I have been either flat or crabby for the past several weeks. Today, I had to ask someone if there was a pattern on the walls. No - the walls were white. I also see 3-D floaters in my eyes which was kind of cool at first but not so much now. Also, I have a lack of sensation in my fingers. Not numbness, it just feels like I have gloves on. Plus, I quit driving today because I felt truly intoxicated and, I can fall asleep anywhere and anytime. Needless to say, I will not be taking Nuvigil anymore. I will have to find some way to pay for the Provigil. It's all a scam because generics are going to be manufactured soon so the company creates Nuvigil. Why wouldn't the insurance companies just wait a bit longer until Provigil generics come out. Must be an incentive or kick-back somewhere.

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I think Nuvigil is the latest of the two drugs (Provigil and then Nuvigil). I'm not sure what you take it for; in my case I have MS and one of my symptoms is fatigue. My neuro said he thought Nuvigil was a better medication for my needs. I had to have my neuro intervene with the insurance company or they would not cover it. The first few times i took it were good, but then it made me feel wound up and I had a difficult time sleeping. Now i only take it now and then, not daily. The dose I take is 150 mg.

My hands are also numb, but that is due to my MS.

With regard to the Nuvigil and the Provigil ..they are considered the same tier of drugs. I can't think of any reason you could not take Provigil if it works well for you. Good Luck.

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I took 150 mg. of Nuvigil for approx. 3 weeks and within the first week found that while I did feel much more awake and aware (I have narcolepsy), I was also seized by an uncontrollable compulsion to view porn sites on the Net for hours on end. When I consulted my shrink, she said that yes, Nuvigil has been known to reduce impulse control and raise one's sexual drive like that (NOW she tells me!). At her direction, I immediately quit taking the Nuvigil, upped my Cymbalta by one-third and my Abilify by one-half (from 2 mg. to 3). That got rid of those issues. I'm not going back to the Nuvigil again!

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Wow, just received script for Nuvigil. After reading all the negative responses, kind of scared to even begin.

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I just started Nuvigil three days ago to treat my MS. It's a funny feeling....Im fatigued still but it has taken off the edge. Im feeling slight anxiety, consistent paint around shoulder/chest area. Also experiencing weird state of mind. Almost zombie-ish. I will continue medicine and see what happens.

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