Nuvigil Side Effects (Page 11) (Top voted first)


I'm having severe side effects from nuvigil. Muscle and joint pain with numbness and tingling down my arms.

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Nuvigil contains the active ingredient Armodafinil, it is a stimulant.

What you are experiencing IS NOT listed as a normal side effect, you should call your doctor immediately, as this may be a serious condition in need of treatment.

You can learn more about this medication here:

Nuvigil Click Here

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Ive been using this Nuvigil on and off for two months and thought I found the answer to my prayers regarding my sleepiness, but over the last two weeks Ive experienced, muscle aches, back and stomach pain, and the worst of all is tingling over my entire body. Ive been investigating what world this could have been, but, having read all the reviews of everyone, I realized its probably the nuvigil- Ill have to let my Doctor know... Bummed, I thought this would be it for me- looks like im back to square one

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My husband was on Nuvigil for about 9 months for sleep apnea involving short term memory loss. He felt GREAT at first , lots of energy but toward the end had chest discomfort. Stopped taking it and has terrible depression, confusion, etc. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms after stopping Nuvigil? Blood pressure skyrocketed toward the end as well.

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I suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome I experienced and Hypersomnolence, idiopathic ; anxiousness, flu-like symptoms, along with neck and back pain after taking Nuvigil 250mg. $350 for a 30 day supply online! just to make me feel like crap!

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I posted a comment a couple weeks ago talking about my 1st 4 days. Since then, my body has gotten used to Nuvigil. I feel and friends report more energy and clarity with my mind. I really like this, but my medicare ins. will not cover it. Does anybody know of an equal or better medicine to help with fatigue as a symptom of MS? I have a doc. appt tomorrow and we'll probably discuss other possibilities. I like Nuvigil...

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My daughter age 22 was given Nuvigil 150 for her Narcolepsy. First she loved it because it kept her awake and focused. After 2 weeks She had her 1st episode of Sleep Paralosis, two days later we had to call 911 for help due to her not waking up. After arriving at the hospital and 20 minutes of aggressive handling she woke up. Released and stopped the medicine. The next night she was admitted to the hospital due to her legs being numb. No response when tested. Now we are on day 2 of hospital stay with no improvement. Anyone know anything about this kind of side effect. She never had these problems before.

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Yes, feeling much better. Been on for a few weeks now. More energy, better mood, appetite and muscle strength are back. Good luck to you, and God bless.

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Julie: Yes I was on Paxil for a couple of years and was eventually winged off of it. It made me a zombie. I started taking that after a low point in my life. After I stopped I didn't return to a state of depression that I noticed. But I did eventually develope an anxiety disorder in which I am now taking Lopressor for.

Thanks for the tip but so far ever since that spell, half a pill of Nuvigil has worked for me.

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I was diagnosed with idiopathic hypersomnolence and have been on Nuvigil 150mg for a year every morning. I also take Lexapro 150mg for anxiety/panic disorder. I have felt good the past year; no pain, no problems and altho I can lay down and fall asleep anytime anywhere, I don't fall asleep the way I used to. lately though, around 3pm-4pm I start to crash and have to nap. I am thinking of getting off and managing it some other way.

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I am 59, I have very slight sleep apnea, some inflammation in my body, cluster headaches (I take Inderal for that), suspected fibromyalgia and hypothyroid. I have had tiredness maybe once every couple of week starting about 5 years ago and was diagnosed with low thyroid and I take Armour for that but it never helped the tiredness. About a year ago I started falling asleep at work maybe once a week and 6 months ago it started happening several times a week until I realized every morning and after I ate lunch I could not control being able to stay awake. I have done the sleep study and I do not use a C-pap, I’ve been tested for Lupus and that came back okay. So last week my doctor ask me to try Nuvigil (250 mgs)for a month, this is my 4th day. I had a throbbing headache on the left side of my head for 2 day better yesterday and today. I’ve noticed I am clenching my teeth so I have been really watching that today and the throbbing has gone away for the most part but comes back quickly when I stand or walk. I have also notice some seldom twitching of my lower legs. Yesterday for almost 2 hours I couldn’t keep my eyes open it was horrible. Anyway, I feel like I can complete my work but do feel like I am still tied, you know the feeling, your eyes feel weird and that slight fogginess and having some trouble coming up with words or even saying them. So far I have been taking my Lunesta and I have been sleeping pretty much like I always have, with no more or less quality sleep. I keeping a journal for this whole month and I want to give this some more time to see if it’s really worth some of the side effects I have now, hopefully they will lessen with time.

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From earlier post... By the way, I was diagnosed possibly with shift work sleep disorder, and and the while nuvigil has taken the edge off of my sleep attacks, I am still tired but I atleast do not crash, I just don't understand why my legs kept giving out me, please, has anyone has had similar symptoms,

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I took nuvigil for 4 months I've been off of it for 6 weeks approximately. My hair is falling out in clumps and I have lost 40 pounds over 10# of which I've lost since I've been off the medication is this normal? I weighed 158# now I weigh 119#. I'm even eating late at nite to try & get control of it. and of course I've gone back to having extreme fatigue everyday. Help! before I shrivel up and blow away.thank you

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I hate this stuff. I had many side effects: pain in neck, nausous, grumpy, wired feeling yet still tired, terrible headache, overall bad feeling, anxiousness, feeling toxified. Gross stuff...worse even than SSRI's. Stuff is garbage compared to the good stuff Concerta.

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Julie Dont Give up I have been so tired I cant move I know How you feel.all of you please contact me by email or phone as I am working on this I am a 50 year old nice looking verry good shape the reason I told you this is I sould feel fine but tired I found out How to fix this you must all know provigil is a verry good but over priced nuvigil use to work but now there product has change when the patton wen off on provigil so what you get one day works but not the next I am ckicking all this out by a LAB and found some of my pills are not even nivigil Im so pist off it junk it cost me 350.00 for 30 tabs I pay for out of pocket I will get something that will work for all of us get on my list we need to stick together thay dont care abought you its all profit. Julie when armodafinil works beleave me your life will be back and you will love it.

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