Nuvigil Side Effects (Page 10) (Top voted first)


I'm having severe side effects from nuvigil. Muscle and joint pain with numbness and tingling down my arms.

214 Replies (11 Pages)

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I have severe sleep apnea. I did well with Provigil. Did experience muscle tension around my neck but it was tolerable. On switching to Nuvigil the pain became intense and traveled down my arm. Associated with numbness. Off these medications for 2 years now and I am finally feeling better. If you have these symptoms stop the medications before the symptoms become permanent.

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I've been taking provigil for 8 yrs and worked well for me.
my started a new job with the same company, just a different hospital and the insurance will not pay for the script. they made me take a sleep study which said i have mild apnea. Know the want me to go to a Pulmonologist
to be fitted for a mask, that i can not wear because i can not sleep on my back. meanwhile while i am waiting for this to go through the motions i tried nuvigil
because i was able to get it at a discount and pay for it.
The 1st day i took it i felt great and thought it was going to be even better than the provigil. the second day i took it my chest felt tight and had some palpitations,cotton mouth, and my sinuses were filled with this heavy white mucus. i stopped taking it for a couple days and talked t the nurse that said try taking half of it, but the same thing happened. I stopped it again a couple days ago.
I woke up this morning and my right hand is extremely weak and is twitching, I'm really nervous because i never had any kind of feeling like this before, Has anyone heard of such a symptom ?

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I took it for just 1 month and started the jerking of limbs. I haven't taken it since and I still have jerking limbs but not as bad or often as 2 or 3 months ago. I am afraid that this is somehting that I will alway have so beware.

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I'm 32 just got diagnosed with narcolepsy and like you no medical history but narcolepsy. The nuvigil has been working great the 3 weeks I've been on it & now all of a sudden I have severe neck & back pain & burning sensation in my spine. Ive never been on any Prescription meds. Did you ever find out why you had the pains?

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I thought Nuvigil was doing ok and attributed recent urinary symptoms and new onset htn to just getting old - UNTIL I did some research. It might be worthwhile discontinuing and reevaluating in 3 months?!?

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Do talk to your doctor. You might want to refer your doctor to this web site. Joint and muscle pain appears to be a common post FDA approval adverse effects. Once Nuvigil or Provigil is stopped it will get better. It may take several months to notice the improvement.

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Did you stop or did your body get used to it? About 10 minutes after I take it, my neck and back start killing me! I'm afraid to keep taking it, but I was hoping it will go away!

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You've got the same issue as I do, I've also been taking it for almost two years now. I just kinda thought it may be due to my job. I eventually went to a neuro doctor and he says I have carpel tunnel... How did your visit go?

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keep changing my doses don't work I took 450mg to see if it would help nope same after couple hours I was so sleepy I couldn't hold my head up!! what the hell.... what's wrong with me!!!!!

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Absolutely identical thing with me.

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Same identical thing with me. Wait until you have grounded your teeth and need dentures. Happened to me in a matter of a few months.

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I can say that Nuvigil has LITERALLY saved my life! It took forever for my old insurance to decide if they would let me have a sleep study to determine if I indeed had Narcolepsy. After 6 WEEKS of my Dr. fighting with them, I went in for the test. It came back positive. I was having issues driving just a half hour to work plus dropping off the kids at school in the am. I kept falling asleep at the wheel (and crashed into something. Not sure what....with my daughter in the car with me), falling asleep at work all the time. I ended up looking my job over this condition because I was 2 weeks over FMLA. Wow! My life was then turned completely over. In a bad way. I had no insurance. I needed many medications, and a family to support. I was given information for the Cefelon Cares Foundation. What a blessing! There was NO WAY I could pay for the Nuvigil I needed. We tried some generic brands of other drugs, but they didn't work. I started off almost 2 years ago taking Nuvigil 50mg. It seemed to help once my body got used to it. About two weeks. No side effects that I can remember. About 8 months later I noticed I was starting to get tired half way though the day. So we bumped up to 150mg. Had some insomnia, but took some Melatonin and helped for a bit but then needed the help of Lunesta. Still no other big side effects. About a month ago I sat down with my Dr. to explain I was feeling tired again half way though the day and was falling asleep at the wheel again. So we updated my dose of Nuvigil to 250mg. Days BEFORE I had even started to take the new dose, I started to feel shortness of breath. Shrugged it off. The day I took the 250mg I immediately started to feel my heart race, headache and confusion. I associated it with my body needing to adjust to the new dose. 5 days after taking the new dose, I started to have symptoms of a heart attack. I have PVST, which is a form of tachycardia that occurs from time to time. But it was different. I got a sudden sharp pain in my left shoulder, confusion (not even able to answer simple questions), fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, and not able to stand steady as if I were to faint. I work at a hospital, so I was able to quickly go to the DR. They monitor me, do an LEG, and a chest x-Ray. They said it was do to the change of dose in my Nuvigil and sent me on my way. I am still having shortness of breath and tachycardia so my Dr. is ordering for me to have a Holter monitor to see what my heart is doing. I LITERALLY can not function without this medication. Thinking we might have to go back down to the 150mg and just drink some energy drinks to me me going. We shall see. *After finally being able to get a job after being out of work for over a year because of my Narcolepsy, I don't want to loose this one as well. I started working when I was 13 by getting my workers permit and that was the 1st time I was ever without a job. It was a big blow to me. (Even when in college full time, I worked 2 full time and 2 part time jobs!) I am only 28 years old and could not imagine myself either not working because of my condition or going into cardiac arrest and die because I am trying to find a way to be able to work.

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LOVE IT! Changed my life

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I have been in the ER for what I thought was a heart attack, my heart pounds, I feel like I have the flu, I can't sleep, short of breath, no energy, sweating profusely at the slightest exertion. I have questioned that the nuvigil was causing all my symptoms just not sure, pharmacist says that the medication is great...............think she's wrong.
I am 64 years old and the script was written because I have sleep apnea, and chronic fatigue. Nuvigil is not for me in spite of my high hopes.

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I feel the same in the morning. Almost paralyzed!

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I have no side effects from any of my meds. Who ever is posting things in my name is wrong and do not appreciate who ever gave you the information you received Is there any way I can find out whom is doing this . All the meds I have been prescribed are working well for me. I get up in the mornings drink my coffee and then take my meds. Most mornings after breakfast I do my chores which consist of cleaning which hurts to do because of my back problems and my legs hurt. I have arthritis and ostioparoious . Which is in my left hip. My back I was told when I was around 50 that I had the back of a 80 yr. old . Even went to a chiropractor back then he said I worked to hard and played to hard in my youth. I also have MS. But I try not to let it get me down but some days after I do major cleaning for a week I hurt so bad that I have to stay in bed and rest . If it was not for the Nuvigil I would still be having what I call black outs . I would fall asleep regardless of where I was. I could here what was being said but when i tryed to respond it was off the subject. Since taking Nuvigil I no longer have these problems. I use to be afraid to drive for fear of falling to sleep.

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I have the exact same issues. I'm only 24. I get symptoms like if I lye in bed and stay completely still I loose all feeling in my arms and legs and if I move they start to sting. Also I have the same issue with the porn and it takes an extreme amount of exertion to climax. Also I can't stop knashing my teeth and I have little feel in my mouth. Sometimes I will get flu like symptoms and my lips swell and my veins are bulging my nostrils become sore and it always feels like there's something in my nose. When I am finally able to fall asleep in have extremely vivid dreams this is actually one of the pluses they very strange but enjoyable but about 35% of them are terrifying, I don't mind this since before the medication I never could remember my dream. I also start to have auditory hallucinations and minor visual hallucinations after about 6 hrs into the day the walls look like there moving and it looks like a swarm of gnats are under my door and I think I hear people walking around the house or talking but nobody is home and I will think I hear sirens constantly but they never get closer.

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I've taken Nuvigil for years along w/ meds for RA, thyroid, fibromyalgia, HPN, etc. My insurance denied coverage repeatedly for weeks recently. I contracted Influenza A & pneumonia during this time, plus experienced withdrawal. I began Nuvigil for the past 2 days again and had terrible reactions within 6 hrs.

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I took Armodafinil (Nuvigil) 75mg for three days and everyday I was experiencing itching in my body. I'm badly in need of taking this medicine for daytime sleepiness. Can I take an antihistamine medicine for relief from the itching? Or what are the alternative ways to treat it?

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Re: Bob B (# 167) Expand Referenced Message

Hi kill me how you write......funny, but brutally honest!! I just started taking nuvigil and the last thing I want to loose is my sex life.....with numb arms! Sounds Horrible... Thanks for the info....Beverly from Colorado.

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