No Opioid Medication To Replace Methadone (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy husband has a dilaudid Medtronic pain pump and he is also taking methadone for breakthrough. We have run into this problem, the dr has stopped treating him because the va hospital was not paying him anymore. we were using his dr as an outside provider due to the va hospital not having a dr. educated to help my husband. well the dr has not been paid and the dr stopped treatment all the way. we have outside insurance and we have gone to see other pain management dr. to fill his pump by the 27th of may 2015, and as of today he has not had it filled june 3, 2015, the va has admitted him into detox and has taken all of his medication away my husband has been on pain medicine since 2000. this was not the plan he was suppose to be weaned and they have taken all of his civil rights from his he has no say with his treatment with the va they are going to kill him. I have researched his metronic pump and what would happen with no medicine running through it and come to find out my husband Medtronic pump has been recalled and it states that he could fall asleep and not wake up because they are calling it immflamitory semora and and he should have been advised that his implant has been recalled. we live in Jacksonville florida and we cannot find a dr to touch him after the dr that has been treating him for 7 years the other drs will not treat him. one stated there is something wrong inside with his catheter. we came home from a new refill on march 11, 2015, and the next day there was a letter from the dr stating that he would not longer take care of chris' Medtronic pump after 30 days of the above date on the letter. now we sit in the Gainesville florida va waiting for something to go wrong and the head of the pain management is such a smarty pants and I am saying that nicely. he is not using his bed side manner to control my husbands feelings and they have him on the psychiatric ward and they are filling him with antipsychotic drugs and he is all messed up. they keep telling me it's his withdrawals. I know my husband. I research these drugs they are giving him and it is not withdrawals. it is the medicine mimicking withdrawal symptoms.
They are going to send him home with no pain medicine he has ptsd, severe axienty, severe depression and anger issues and they say he will be going through this for 2 to 3 years. my husband has civil rights of a good quality of life and they are taking his quality away. my husband never abused his medications or have given them any reason not to pay the dr. bill the va did sent authorizations to pay these bills and now his bill is over $4,000.00 the pain management in the va wrote out a plan to wean my husband off some of his medicine and have the pump taken out now that we have come in they are detoxing him off all meds and state that they are not going to give him his pain medicine to have a normal life with his wife, my husband is 55 years old and has a spot on his lung that needs to be biopsied but he is so weak I cannot even get him to his dr appts and these va dr. think it is a big joke and they keep saying when in 2 to 3 years he will have his life back. well what happens if he dies because of this recall on his pump and what if it is lung cancer and we had just lost his mother to lung cancer. he also receives long term care because of all of his diagnosis the va thinks he just has chronic pain. I tried to today to give them medical records showing him all of his diagnosis and they told me to bring the medical records back to the dr and have him send them down and I was put on the back burner again. they do not care about my husband. there is many more things I need to tell you. please contact me back {edited for privacy}. I need legal help medical help and lots of help in general. I am not going to have my husband soon. he is going to be 6 feet under and I hate to think like that but if you wore my pants and went through the things I am you would be feeling the things I am going through. there has to be someone out there that can help.
I pray to the lord every night for someone to come forward to help my husband live the quality and productive live that he was put on the earth to live. through all this stress I have a terminal illness and I have had another heart attack from the thought of what my husband it going through and the stress these va drs are putting me though. my dr. say if the va does not get off their ass they will kill me and my husband and he says it will be me that goes first because they think my husbands case is a big joke but they think all of their cases are big jokes. I have talked to the other wifes and family members and this one doctor at the va since he has taken over is doing this to all of his veterans and if it was not for these men we would not be free they have fought for our country and deserve a much more dignity then they are receiving. also the va has been taking care of my husband implant pump since 2008 and his outside medicine with no problems until this new dr. mudra has come into the picture a year ago and he has no clue about my husbands implant I had to give him my research of the pain pump that is very sad and you are head of the pain management for the Gainesville va and today he gave me 5 minutes of his time on the phone and I am in Gainesville and he would not see me personally and after I started asking questions he did not want to answer he had to go cause he could not answer my questions he has done that to me 3 times now. Please get back to me. It is life or death
2 Replies
I've been turned down medication because I'm Christian and the doctor was Muslim. He asked me to take off my cross necklace and I refused so he said get out infidel.
Welcome to the medical industry, they do not care. I have been going thur this for years. As soon as you join pain management you have no civil rights. Sorry but its the truth. Or they will bot treat you for pain if a person has mental issues. As soon as i joined pain management they stopped all my mental health medication. Its just the law now.
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