Nitrofur Macr Should I Be Taking This? (Top voted first)


i have hemolytic anemia and lupis and fribromaigla should i be taking this? is this a sulfur drug? why is it making me feel so bad?

4 Replies

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Nitrofurantoin monohydrate macrocrystals is usually used in treating urinary tract it seems that this is the wrong medication for your conditions. Ultimately, I would suggest researching a medication before taking it next time, as it could be very detrimental to your health if you have no reason to take it.

The side effects of this drug in particular can also be very harsh, which may explain why you aren't feeling well. You can read up more on the side effects by following the link below:

You'll definitely want to consider going to a medical doctor or naturopathic doctor for your hemolytic anemia, lupus, and fibromyalgia, rather than taking random pills that may have nothing to do with any of those conditions.

I hope that you're able to keep strong and take this as a good lesson learned.

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I have severe anxiety and panic attacks and have been treated for them for over 20 yrs. I seldom, (maybe) every other year get a UTI but just did. This medicine is being taken at the same as severe anemia iron and anxiety meds. I had 15 panic attacks today and more yesterday since starting the med. Is this acceptable? NO, what is wrong? Is anxiety a side effect? Your opinion?

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I just got prescribed this and I was on bactrim first then cipro which both gave me fast.pounding heart.beat. In turn giving me anxiety. Now im worried about taking this one. This is crazy. I wish there was an alternative.

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I just had my annual check up done and the dr. prescribed me Nitrofur-macr 100mg. because there is blood in my urine and infection. I have no symptom at all. should I take this medicine with or without food? what is the time interval b/n taking a dose and the next dose

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