Nexito 10 - Is This Useful In Restlessness Legs And Low Back Pain
Updatedhi,i am getting RLS (restless leg syndrome) in both legs over soles and low back pain (mainly in left) and sometime knee joint (very rare). I believ these symptoms are due to some nerve disorder reasons. My nephrologist prescribed me nexito 10 once in night. I do take other BP medicines as well. I don't have disbetic.After reading most of the articles on meds it seems nexito 10 is for depression. Can anybody help me to know is nexito 10 is right medcine for my symptoms.
3 Replies
Nexito contains the active ingredient Escitalopram, which is an SSRI antidepressant and they can sometimes help with nerve pain, due to the way they act on brain chemicals.
Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes.
Learn more Nexito details here.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Dear Dr.
I had a massive heart attack in the year 2000. Within two weeks angioplasty was performed on me in LAD coronary Artery. After four years i.e 2004 I had undergone Bypass surgery for four vessels grafting. Every year during medical checkup my TMT result was showing negative. This year also my TMT is negative and report is like this: I am 54 years old, height is 173 cm and weight is 64 Kg; total exercise period was 12 minutes and achieved 88% of maximum predicted heart rate with a calculated workload of 14.30 METS. There was no significant respiratory symptom related to exercise. Exercise was discontinued due to fatigue and achievement of target heart rate. Resting blood pressure and response to exercise was normal. Resting ECG was normal. Exercise ECG: ST depression during exercise-4 stage. ST level was -0.90 mm in V5; Max HR: 88 %; Maximum workload: 14.30 METs. Conclusion: good exercise capacity. Negative TMT. My other reports: EF as per ECO is 55 %, blood sugar and cholesterol reports are normal. I am taking medicine now Nikorane 5 twice a day, Tenelol-12.5 once in a day at night, Rosuva statine 10 once in a day and Clevix 75 once in a day. My problem is I am getting pain and heaviness in my right side of chest since ten years (after Bypass). Because of this I am feeling short of breath and heaviness while initial walking. I consulted Chest specialist and Gastroenterologist. Sonography, CT scan reports for chest and abdomen are normal. Colonoscopy and Endoscopy reports are normal. During barrium x ray reflux is detected. Gastroenterologist has prescribed me anti reflux tablet (Nexpro fast 40), which I am taking since five years. I am very much strict about consuming less oil, less fat and less Sugar in diet. My problem has reduced but not eliminated. One physician has advised me to go for angio graphy to rule out the right side pain and heaviness problem. My cardiologist is not suggesting Angiography because of Negative TMT report and said right side chest problem is not related to heart. What is your opinion? Is this nerves pain started after Bypass surgery? Could you please advise me what can I do now? What is the solution for this?
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