New Orange Subutex 153 Half Moon
(Newest replies first)
I can say from experience these new 153 are no good...I cant say it more clearly - They suck!! If you depend on relief from your daily dose of subutex like i do, then be ready for a major LET DOWN
Re: please no activas (# 21)
I am not sure if you will receive this or not, but I am hoping that you do see this. My response to Actavis is shockingly similar... so much so that I am on page 17 of what will likely be many, MANY pages of a formal complaint that will be sent out to some very high up people and places.
{edited for privacy}
Re: David (# 5)
People think, oh it's in your head. They're the same thing.
Well I have Vesicoureteral Reflux where if I drink pop or take bubble baths the acid shoots back up into my kidney. Causing a kidney infection. So I looked at the different fillers in the 153's and something to do with the ingredient that makes it orange, causes me to have a kidney infection. I've been taking the 54 411's and they have helped me tremendously, saved my life back in 2013. But no dealing with this shortage it honestly is almost triggering.
Re: allleggs (# 9)
What did you end up doing?
Re: Daddy (# 39)
Thank you thank you!!!! I just got these orange 153's after always liking the 54 411 and hating anything else pretty much and I'm so glad you posted this reply
The actavis 153 and roxane 54 411 are the best. I've had them all from rhodes to hitec, to sun pharma, mylan, you name it. Those are the ones that are garbage, not moons or 54 411, and I've taken them for 7 years straight and have not missed a dose or failed a drug panel.
Re: tim (# 37)
I lied, it's the end of the month and I'm dying.
Re: please no activas (# 21)
Look, people telling nighmare stories, settle down. It's Placebbo. I have taken them for 8 straight years and just got my first script of these. I was getting the 54/411 ones, and I will be honest, I was worried, but these work just fine for the purpose.
Re: Bernstein (# 14)
Can you elaborate lol so I’ve been taking Roxanne 54411 for 10 years I need to get off I know! But now it’s way ward and it takes the pharmacist ordering several times before they even send half my script now they are saying I can only get the pink hot moon, I hate switching the little arrows suck and have more filler. I don’t know what to do.
Re: Kimmie (# 28)
Why would i turn up on obscure med board searching for amswers as to why I'm on toilet /chilled /hot, sweaty /muscle aches/nausea /headache/anxiety attack that even Ativan can't penetrate? And dilated pupils? I've been on this recovery program almost 3 years, only recently having trouble obtaining plain buprenorphine without naloxone, changed from cvs to Walgreen, changed from a Mylan 8mg to the Activis 8mg, 2-3 days changeover suddenly very ill, take a Mylan, symptoms gone. You explain it. The 153's have strong citric acid taste, but really have no bupe taste at all, it's just bitter like alka seltzer citric acid. Need a solution.
Re: Cartermom5 (# 29)
Took 3 days from switchover of the good medication to feel the w/d fully.
Do you have specific experience with Ativis 153 8mg buprenorphine? I have no reason to want to have bad experience. These are bunk. Need a solution, as i cant get another script for 3 weeks.
Re: Joseph (# 31)
I totally agree, this is a class action case. These feel like they have no active ingredients whatsoever. Reminds me of those horrible Indian vicodins from 10 years ago. Did you find a solution? Can you take a little more?
Feels like they are a placebo. After 2 days i was in withdrawal, all symptoms. Had a Mylan, took it, immediately better. Are the Actavis weak? Can you safely take another half of 8mg pill and get relief. My doctor isn't responding. Managed to obtain 6 suboxone pills 8/2, saved me, but i need a solution, i can't face the month with these, sadistic of this Actavis to make bunk medicines, and nobody cares about us as a group.
Re: David (# 5)
I have the orange ones and they are no good. I want to file a civil suit against this company for making me feel this way, it is not right!!!!
Ok now I read a lot of these comments, I'm on 12 mg Suboxone strips clean for 10 years now I've tried Subutex for 2 years due to being uninsured ; my physician switched it so I can save over $600 paying out of pocket. when it comes to any generic med, not many people know this but the company making the pill has 30% potency leeway from the name brand. I don't mind the pink 153's however the tiny round 8's are horrible compared to the bigger ones.
Re: allleggs (# 9)
Hi. I am a med tech and a CNA so I know a bit. I'm also a recovering addict and I'm just going to tell u all this... That s*** is all in your head. This med does not leave ur body until 72 hrs and has a half life of 24 to 48 hrs, so those of u who say you're having withdrawals already as soon as u take them, they're not meant to make u feel high. A little swish with a mint mouthwash or brushing ur teeth before u put it under will help with ur absorption.
From pharmaceutical experience. I believe it may be a mind thing. Believe me when I say as a fact that the 5411s (Roxys) and the mys are not putting as much "Bupe" in them due to production cost. The Orange half moon ones (as people are calling them) are not stingy on the bupe in their medication. They are MUCH STRONGER and last much LONGER. (25 Years in pharmaceuticals. Not saying much more due to what could turn in to legal matters). However, I thought I would let you guys know the truth in this matter.
Re: Barry (# 3)
Ya i was getting the white subutex but the other day I got these new orange ones. I don't like them. They're not as strong and I have to take more than what I'm supposed to. I'm fighting to get my old script back.
Re: Robert (# 15)
yeah 32 is unheard of 8mg 2xs day is usually the daily dose sometimes 3 8s a day
Re: DawnOnSubs (# 7)
This disgusts me to the core. As an individual, for my own personal and completely legitimate reasons, I take a "cocktail" of medicine that are called drugs and everyone seems they think I should be making strides to become better (their useless opinions about what they life should be I guess). I've not had your experience where. I heard the Pharmacy Techs say ugly things but I've felt their judgement and have been straight up lied to. They take an inch of power and run a mile, in a profession that where in my opinion such behaviour is dangerous and life-threatening. I've taken these meds for a long time and now it's become where I change pharmacies often and keep my illness and most certainly my meds to myself and it sucks. Anyone out there who takes this or similar, you and I aren't alone:
XANAX (alprazolam) 2mg; 1-2 tabs as needed for panic, up to 5 tabs in a day (or more depending).
KLONOPIN (clonazepam) 2mg; Take one tablet 4x a day every day. Covers my anxiety like an umbrella and prevents the need for more fast-acting Xanax.
PRISTIQ 50mg; Take one tablet upon awakening and one tablet at bedtime for situational as well as crippling seasonal depression.
SUBUTEX 8mg: 1 tab under the tongue to substitute my DOC. Helps with chronic neck and back pain but it also keeps me from being stuck.
Also, cannabis is legal in my state so I use cannabis all throughout the day and it helps more than anything.
Re: Charles (# 23)
The orange ones are bunk, a placebo or very shy of 8mg. Been on subs for 3+ years for pain mgmt & I know exactly how they affect my pain. Something is crooked, just like the little tiny round white arrow ones are bunk, a placebo and/ or very shy of 8mg, too! Stick with your instincts on this matter & def trust how you feel after you take your medicine. You shouldn’t be in pain nor withdrawls.
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