New Orange Subutex 153 Half Moon (Page 3)


I can say from experience these new 153 are no good...I cant say it more clearly - They suck!! If you depend on relief from your daily dose of subutex like i do, then be ready for a major LET DOWN

43 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: allleggs (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

What did you end up doing?

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Re: David (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

People think, oh it's in your head. They're the same thing.
Well I have Vesicoureteral Reflux where if I drink pop or take bubble baths the acid shoots back up into my kidney. Causing a kidney infection. So I looked at the different fillers in the 153's and something to do with the ingredient that makes it orange, causes me to have a kidney infection. I've been taking the 54 411's and they have helped me tremendously, saved my life back in 2013. But no dealing with this shortage it honestly is almost triggering.

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Re: please no activas (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

I am not sure if you will receive this or not, but I am hoping that you do see this. My response to Actavis is shockingly similar... so much so that I am on page 17 of what will likely be many, MANY pages of a formal complaint that will be sent out to some very high up people and places.

{edited for privacy}

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