Need To Know About Suboxone (Top voted first)


i need to know how my fiancee can get suboxone prescribed to him to help with heroin addiction.what kind of doctor do you go to?
we live in springfield ohio

5 Replies

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Yes, Suboxone, which contains the active ingredients Buprenorphine and Naloxone, can be used to treat Heroin addiction.

You can read about it here:


As to a doctor, it can only be provided by a doctor who has been specially trained in using it to treat addiction. They have a website so you can see if there is one in your area: click here

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any licensed M.D., particularly physicians or psychiatrists with the credentials to treat addiction related disease would suffice. One warning: many of such M.D.s will suggest inpatient treatment in a reputable addiction treatment center.

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Trying To find suboxone

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Hi-Just starte Suboxone. Not sure how long I should stay on it. The Doctor is pushing at least 6 weeks. I was taking 15-20 norc a day After 24hr clean they started me on 2 mg twice a day. I feel GREAT. BUT I am so afaid of getting hooked on yet another drug. THANKS!!

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Hi contact Linda @ she will take care of him she is really nice based in Chicago but works with people in Ohio etc. Suboxone is all she does so she knows what she is talking about and she will treat you with respect. Good Luck

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