Need To Find A Doctor That Prescribes Pain Meds In Knoxville Tn (Page 4)
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I just moved here and i have ra along with degenerative disc disorder that is extremely painful. I dont have a doc. so i haven't been taking any meds and it is hard to just walk. I am in pain everyday and need relief fast. Is there anyone y'all can suggest that may be able to help now?

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Do NOT go to Dr Igor unless you have xrays or MRI. I have been taking pain med and going to pain clinics for over 10 yrs. I have very painful Fibromyalgia, sciatic pain, back pain, some arthritis . I'm 68 yrs old not a drug addict! He told me "Fibromyalgia is just a funny word" and he cut off my pain meds. I decided I'm done with pain clinics and the way they put me thru hell being at their mercy. I went to him 3 times each time waited over 2 hrs! I had 10 good yrs on medication with semi normal life. At least I wasn't in bed most of the time. I'm now on SUBOXONE to get off pain med for next 3 mos and it helps pain alot! Eventually I will be off all meds and will try to deal with it. This is just a warning not to go to Dr Igor unless u can PROVE what's wrong, becuz he won't help you.

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Yes, indeed, it's a new state mandate to start getting pain patients off the meds. The witch at Tennova/St. Mary's/Physicians Regional...whatever they are calling themselves told me it's a combination of the state AND the CDC. She said that according to the CDC people on pain meds are 11% more likely to die at an early age. I'm 50! And have been on pain meds since my back got wrecked in 1994! I've had surgeries and procedures to no avail. I too am bedridden at times and homebound. I told her that the CDC didn't know ME and their generalization, in my opinion, is a bunch of bullcrap. She didn't like that a whole lot. They were doing caudal procedures with a catheter because I have so much scar tissue in my back every six weeks and I had a guy tell me on the phone they aren't supposed to do more than 3 per YEAR. I swear, I wish I knew of some way to create a class action law suit regarding this because I am NOT a drug addict. I AM NOT a drug dealer. In ALL the years I was going to Tennova/St. Mary's, I NEVER had a bad pill count, or a bad urine screen, but they sure want to treat everyone as if we are all junkies. I had my primary care doc AND my neurologist tell me to go to the pain clinic and let them take care of me and that's how I started going there. When TN is over run with heroin abusers, like the state of Ohio, they are really gonna be crying in their soup!!

When Tennova was giving me the "we no longer provide opiates" speech and then MADE me make a decision right then about whether I wanted a flat 1 month supply, or a tapering dosage, or just cut ties then and there with nothing, they also gave a list of other docs. What a CROCK! One of the docs, "Clinic for Productive Living" demands a criminal background check! I've never had a speeding ticket, let alone a felony!!! I found some docs that will do meds, but they don't take insurance and it's costly to see them every month. Steven Mynatt at TN Valley on John Sevier (865-200-5087) is one, $275 each visit. and TN Pain Professionals on Mineral Springs (865-247-5221) is another. It's $300 first visit and $165 thereafter. Good luck to you all... and if you find anyone, please let me know, as well!!! Thanks!!!

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I know this is an older post & I hope you have found help but in case you are still looking, so am I! I can give you some very good advice...never tell them what you want! It makes the clinic think your an addict last....don't ever go to Dr. Browder at East Tennessee Pain clinic over on Wisecarver or even in Oak Ridge! First he's the worst and most arragant Doctor I have ever come across as are most of his NP's! They are all mean and rude and treat you like your some sort of *****! There is no respect in that office at all! Dr Browder will never see you unless you are getting pain block injections, even if you specifically make an appt with him you will get one of his obnoxious flunkies, not him! By law he's only required to drug screen once a. Year! He does it monthly on most people & not because there is even a reason....he makes most of his money off these urine tests! He charges $550.00 for a basic 10 panel test! He does this in his own office but will swear he sends it out & that's the reason for the high price! I have never come across so very many rude people as I have in that office! The wait time is ridiculous and you get about 10 minutes to see the NP after waiting sometimes for over an hour and a half! They don't care if your in pain, you do what they tell you, when they tell you and how often they tell you! And what ever you go there for originally, that's it! You develop something else, your out of luck with this doctor and his Gustapo! He takes care of one thing and one thing only no matter what may happen to you! But if you are that desperate for pain meds, and you don't mind the awful nurse assistants that are only supposed to take your weight, blood pressure, and count pills insulting you, the Obnoxious NP's insulting you, plus the rude office help, then you'll love this place! I stopped going there a long time ago! I'm still looking for a new clinic but this office will purposely ruin your chances of getting any other pain treatment in TN! All Dr Browder is interested in is money, for all of his expensive possessions and this includes his very own pain treatment! You would think he'd be a lot more sympathetic because he is in horrible pain! But the only one in his eyes that's in real pain is him!!

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Yea go to emergency room if u r have in hard time that's what there for

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Hi I am looking for a pain clinic. Just got discharged from St Mary's pain center because I have a diagnosis of depression. I have been a perfect candidate for them for 3 years then this. Can you suggest some one or a clinic here in knoxvilla that may take me?

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Dr. Igor is the best doctor that I have seen since 1999 since I have been sick including Michigan where I used to live you have to be legitimate pain patients his staff is awesome do not go to a paid pain management they're all illegal and they're going to get shut down just like what happened in Florida just look it up look up pill Mill and it'll tell you all if you are a legitimate pain patient he is awesome he's so kind so caring I was on the wrong medicine I was in so much pain I couldn't live a normal life I was in the bed all the time he got me straightened out with my medication to wear now I can get up and live a half way normal life just talk to him tell him show him your report and I know he'll help you he's helped me thank God thank God

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I'm moving to Knoxville, been a pain patient for several years. Always play by the rules. Could you tell me where you go? You said you liked the place and I know NOBODY but my cousin so please send me their name! {edited for privacy}. If you want to get a good PCP you will have to tell them "no" because I read TN changed their laws and a PCP can give you your meds long enough for you to make and go to a pain doc. People will use that and try to get meds the pcp don't want to write. So if you are or plan to be and say yes we're not taking patients. It sucks. I do have a couple good docs my cousin suggested (PCP's) that I will send you if you can share with me a good pain doc you respect. Thanks!

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OMG i am going to synergy for primary care and supposedly pain management im ignored.I suffered massive heart attack and emergency open heart surgery immediately after delivery of my son.Chronic pain problems from sarcoids which caused heart attack im 39 moved here from Atlanta after christmas wish i never moved to this fn junkie state.I can't seem to get anything they want to run this test that test stick you here there in meantime im in extreme pain and been off since dec.Synergy has poor services there all day dont listen and frankly i am still waiting to see dr not a damn nurse.Also suffer from osteoarthritis and neuropathy.

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My email is {edited for privacy}. You sound like the sanest, most informed person out there. I'm a recent transplant from NYC and am obviously having trouble finding a new pain mgmt. Wasn't happy at comprehensive. My wife and I are more educated than the docs there, and I was spoken to very rudely and unprofessionally. Any advice you can offer is much appreciated, and thanks in advance for pointing me in the right direction!

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If u find one let me know. Oxymorphone is the only thing that helps me, and now NO insurance will pay for it!!!!

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Willie, what clinic reduced your meds? Mine did too and I am going to be bedridden if I can't get my Fentanyl patches or opana. Only two things that help my pain

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I do need Xanax bad so let me know what's up

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Please help. I don't know which doctor to go to. I need pain meds for 3 bulged discs. I have money. I just moved here and have a Dr's appointment in 4 weeks..{edited for privacy}

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R u the one that has xtra if not sorry

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I would love to know where I can go to a doctor for my chronic pain. I'm a believer in methadone too. If u will please call me {edited for privacy}. thanks

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I've been going to pain management in knoxville for 8 yrs last yr I was on 40 MG opana plus precover for breakthrough pain for past 5 yrs until the state of TN got involved and my clinic gad to reduce all patients med. I started needing sleeping med and muscle relaxants and still wasn't getting the relief I previously had. NOW I got another letter and starting next appt they are reducing ANOTHER 60% I'm freeking out because I will be bedridden AGAIN. I want to know if ALL pain clinics are doing this or just mine?

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I know that some people might not like what I'm about to write but I really do hope my reply helps someone in need. I used to get strong narcotic pain meds from a doctor for my back, even though x-rays and MRI's showed everything was normal. I was getting everything I could possibly be getting for pain but nothing helped. It was like taking sugar pills... I was in so much pain! One day a friend of mine let me try something that changed my life from then on. He gave me a 40 mg Methadone "disc" or "wafer," and for the first time in a long time I actually felt relief. I started going to the BEST Methadone clinic around and my life has improved in so many ways, it's hard to explain it unless you have experienced it. At first I thought maybe I could not afford it but I was actually SAVING money. If you are reading this and you are at the end of your rope and don't know what to do anymore, I urge you to do some research. Please don't just listen to me or someone who will judge you and make you feel worse. When I explained to my pain clinic doctor that Methadone was stopping ALL of my pain, he actually jumped up, knocked his chair over, and refused to be my doctor anymore, telling me that he "couldn't even see me for a cold!" So don't live in misery anymore! Educate yourself and find the relief that you have been searching for.

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Lisinipril is free at Publux Pharmacy I gave been getting my presc there for 2 years. Lisinipril, an antibiotic and one other are free

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Maybe we can recover together.

{edited for privacy}

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oxycodone 30mg.its percocet w-o acetometophen. it works great, but it comes in doses as low as 7.5 i think..i dunno y dr.s still prescribe all that acetomephen..however its spelled lol, its worse for ur liver than alcohol!

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