Need New Doctor Near Culpeper Va To Write Xanax 2mg And Ambien 10mg
UpdatedI am trying to locate a doctor that will prescribe me xanax 2mg 4 times daily and ambien 10mg. I was prescribed these medications for severe anxiety and insomnia. My former physician lost his license to prescribe these medications. I was prescribed these medications due losing my mother nearly 2years ago. If anyone has any info to help me please provide, I live in the culpeper county area of virginia.
7 Replies
I'm sorry you lost your Mother but 8 mg of Xanax daily plus a ton of Ambien is not going to bring her back. It will however make you sick. Your Doc lost his License, my Doctor should lose his License. You should see his State record and in 2 States!
I am so sorry to here this. Please call hospital psych departments for a referral to any doc specializing in stress-disorders like Panic Disorder or PTSD. Call them every three days or so if they run you around. And google "PTSD MD OR Psychiatrist" AND ZIPCODE. If you are in trouble, go right to the ER; they must help you and should refer you.
Best to you and hope this little bit helps,
I am new to Culpeper and trying to find a doctor who isn't afraid to write drug scrips. Did you have any luck. I am almost out from hoarding for years.
I dont know if Charlottesville is too far for you, but i found an excellent Psychiatrist there Dr. David Mika. I take the same meds and others. He is an excellent doctor that will carefully evaluate you, while honoring your current meds.
You will be hard pressed to find a doc that will prescribe 8mg of Xanax a day for you. That dosage puts you at serious risk for seizure should you suddenly run out. An 8mg Xanax withdrawl is very likely to kill you, especially if you are alone when the Grand mal seizure happens. The doc I recommended will not prescribe even half that dosage.
Hi, I will NOT take Ambien for sleep because I watched my mother-in-law come out on a gurney after her normal dose. Apparently, sleep meds build up over time in the fat cells and suddenly your normal dose could be your last. I break my 3 Xanax in 1/2 & they are 2mgs. I save 2 for nighttime which I take w/ 2 Benadryl. It works for me.
Hey everyone, I'm really going through a lot. I'm needing a doctor to write me my klonopin or xanax as I've got extremely bad anxiety. I have severe panic attacks and it's not just one, it's three or four right together. I really need a doctor to write em to me. I have had anxiety for 6 years now and it's getting worse. Please help me.
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