Need Insurance To Help Pay For Suboxone
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I have been taking suboxone for over a year and clean and sober. I tried to get insurance with blue cross but they said not because of my drug history. My parents have been helping me buy my suboxone at $8.00 a piece. I would like to know if anyone knows if there is an insurance company out there that would insure some one on suboxone or am I going to have to go thru my whole life without insurance. Also do you think this is considered a pre-existing disease?
10 Replies
30/100 law. A dr can 30 slabs like us after a year he gets 100. It's. FDA/DEA LAW.
Hi Mandy, I,m not on BCBS of TN. but my gf had it up until recently. She had it thru an employer. As far as I know it covers sub script for as long as you need it. She was on subs for about a year. One thing about BCBS is that they really want you to be seeing a councelor or whatever while your on the subs. As I recall they would have covered most of that if not all except copay. She went to AA/NA meetings (don,t think that counts) but she did not want to do the counceling thing. She just kept delaying it by saying thats she,s trying to find one but nobody has any openings. A BCBS social worker will call once a month to ask how your doing and if you,ve started counceling yet. It,s a prearranged call meaning it will be same day and time each month. You set what time works for you. Good luck and don't forget that you can always call BCBS of TN. and ask them any questions.
I have a great job offer, however the insurance they provide is blue cross of TN I read your reply and was wandering how many months they have been covering you? Several years ago they would only pay for three months. I have been on this med for six years and it saved my life. I have been getting the silicone from a doctor for three years. My insurance now is blue cross of California and it has been covering my perscpitons for three summer's. I am at a loss. My insurance is very costly, and the new job offer covers eye and dental, where my plan now does not. I am basically working for insurance. So does ANYONE NO HOW LONG AND EVEN IF BLUE CROSS TN. Covers? Thank you so much for your time.
Hi Rea, I'm sorry 2 hear about your situation. I saw this commercial on TV about Health Insurance. I don't know all the details, but, I know it's 4 people who don't have insurance. The number is 1-800-425-9641. And, if u ask your Dr, sometimes, they have discount or free coupons 2 help save money. Hope this helps. Oh, what about Obama Care?
The company that makes subs has a program called here to help suboxen patient assistance program. Basically they will pay for your script for 1 year you just have to find a doctor that participates which I found very easy and every doctor can only have 5 patients at a time on the program so you just have to call around I found a doctor right away but they only pay for 1 year no exceptions. After your year is up you'll have to figure something else out cause they wouldn't give anyone any more time but a year Is a long time since they cost so much just go find the pharmaceutical company that makes subs or Google suboxen here to help patient assistance program and call it was so easy and helped me save a lot of money for a year
I have been on suboxone 8mg films for 4 months. I live in florida and pay 7.50 a strip at a local pharmacy. Way cheaper than chain stores at 12.00-15.99 a piece. I have no insurance. This medication has pretty much saved my life, but even with the $50 off card I can hardly afford it. Please suggest a discount program or insurance to help me afford my medication. Im not finding any luck. If its cheaper to find them off the street then in the pharmacy, something is not right. Btw subutex are the same price as name brand and they dont work for me. It would be cheaper for me to go back to the pain clinic and that's f***ed up. Well, someone in fl respond and maybe we can call the news and fix this injustice. Hit the talk show circuit, get looked down as recovering addicts and get murdered by suboxone. I got a f***ing suggestion...get rid of the multicolored aluminum packaging and knock off a few bucks. Im quitting your stupid drug and getting crack because its cheaper, then sueing you for making me do it.
how do I do this? I cant afoard it?
Hi, I,m on Blue cross/Blue shield of Tennessee and am taking Suboxone because of oxy abuse. I pay a copay for the films. Sub. dr. only takes cash. The sub. dr. had to fax in something to let BC/BS know he has prescribed medication and I get a call from insurance once a month and have to answer some questions, the call takes about 15mins. They tell you when there gonna call every month. Then they want you to see a councelor witch I havn,t done yet. I wonder if bc/bs has different rules for different states. I wish you luck.
Yes, getting insurance, when you're already known to have an addiction problem is going to be difficult, because it is considered a pre-existing condition.
However, the manufacturer, Reckitt Benckiser does offer an assistance program for uninsured, low-income people. You can call them for more information at:
Are there any other questions or comments?
Rhea, my daughter has Anthem, we live in Ohio, I don't know if that will help, but I've been where you are, pills here are 7.50, drs. visit $200, she pays $20 for the dr. 40 for the pills. I hope this helps but I can't be sure. Good Luck to you.
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