Need Help Finding Family Doctor In Little Rock Arkansas To Prescribe Opiates.
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Have had back problems 6 years now due to car wreck and also pulled it again at work. Just had a baby 3 weeks ago and now it is affecting life with my new baby like picking him up getting him ready etcetera. Need a family doctor that I can talk to that will prescribe opiates to make life easier. I also have Medicaid. Please help! Email {edited for privacy}

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Re: Jessica (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Pay cash, don't use insurance. Most doctors that are willing to prescribe do so easier when you are a cash patient. I used to pay $100 a visit but would walk out with prescriptions for Adderall, Xanax and painkillers like Dilaudid. The trick is to call around to doctors offices, ask the cash price per visit and make sure the doctor prescribes triplicates.

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I recently moved to lake Jackson,tx and am on ADD meds and klonopine. I have blue cross insurance and need to find a Dr that prescribes these meds. Does anyone know of Drs in this area that will?

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Hello, Cynthia! How are you?

If you require such medications on a long-term ongoing basis for the management of chronic pain, you'll have to see a pain management specialist. A PCP won't be able to prescribe them for you, due to the new regulations that were put in place last year.

Do you currently have a PCP that you see regularly, though? That would be the quickest way to find the help you need.

Can anyone suggest a good doctor in that area?

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