Need Help Finding A Doctor In Spartanburg Or Anywhere In Carolina


I moved from New York and not even 3 months after moving to SC I got jumped by 3 gang members who almost killed me; and I was diagnosed with ptsd, severe anxiety and panic disorders and it's just getting worse. I haven't been able to work and it's getting to the point where I'm gonna give up because in new york I had an alcohol problem and I'm afraid when I see my doctor that there going to give me a hard time prescribing me anything. And I've tried everything including klonopin, ativan, valium and nothing works besides the XR 2 or 3 mg xanax and I can't do this anymore if my doctor won't help at my appointment. I'm just giving up. My mind is not the same. So I just need opinions on doctors who will help!!

3 Replies

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I wonder if you ever found a Pain Doctor, who would prescribe Suboxone in the Spartanburg area? I am taking major doses of the usual opiates at this time. I am so sick of it. I'd really appreciate a response regarding how things turned out for you!

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Why would they need a Pain Doctor for PTSD in Spartanburg when they were looking for Xanax

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Hey Ryan- Your initial post was lumped in with a list of posts by folks who were looking to switch to suboxone in SC. So, my initial response seems right off the wall.

One weird thing about community mental health care (like Spartanburg Mental Health) is that they have a statewide policy against prescribing benzos. When I got here, I'd taken 30 Clonapin a month for 20 years- 1 daily at bedtime. I couldn't just "jump off" them. So I found a primary Doc who was sympathetic. Mental Health did the rest of my meds for a while. Then my primary took over.

At PICKENS COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH there is a really good Psychiatrist by the name of Prewette. In Union MH (near Spartanburg), there's a super smart Psychiatrist whose name is Winter.

In the meanwhile, I sure hope things are going okay. It'd be nice to hear from you!

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