Need A Pain Management Doctor In Okc Who Is Not Afraid Of The Dea
UpdatedMy husband has a cyst the size of a goose egg in the middle of his brain. Due to its location and the risks stated by his neurosurgeon we feel surgery is too risky. His current pain management doctor refuses to increase his meds because she is afraid of the DES and says she is "comfortable" with where he is at. He is not "comfortable" but truly miserable. Please help if you know of a good, compassionate doctor. This cyst is not "made up" as you can clearly see it on all his M.R.I.
4 Replies
Hello, Meg! How are you and your husband? I am so very sorry about his condition.
However, all doctors have to be cautious of the DEA, they are severely restricted in how much they can prescribe, except in cases where someone has a potentially fatal condition, such as stage 4 cancer. If his neurosurgeon feels his condition could be fatal, then the doctor should be aware of that and she should be okay with prescribing higher doses.
Alternatively, he may be better off seeing a different pain management doctor.
Can anyone recommend a good doctor in that area?
Does he have a PCP that he sees regularly that might be able to refer him to someone else? If so, that might be the quickest and easiest way to find the help he needs.
I can only imagine that he must experience terrible headaches.
Thank you Version. Fortunately his condition is not normally fatal, and with proper follow up you would know if the cyst was growing in time. His PCP referred him to THIS pain management doctor, who, I regret to say has still made no changes to his dose and says she never will do to his young age. I SUPPOSE those who are young dont deserve quality of life in her eyes? He did see a different pain management doc- but they refused any treatment ssaying they only prescribed medications after injections have failed and he cannot receive injections into his brain. so for now he still sees the same doctor who provides no relief. PS. Going to her that she is not physically dependent on the medication. if anyone knows of a compassionate pain management doctor in the Oklahoma City area the help would be much appreciated. and one who is compassionate to all patients not just those who are dying of cancer.
I know a great Dr in okc who is a primary care Dr also. Thing is you will be there for hours every single visit and UA every single month. Dr Jeri Ellis on SW 59 and Penn. You can Google her #. Good luck
Re: okcgirl (# 3)
That office has since been reported closed since you posted this.