Need A Doctor In Marion North Carolina That Is Willing To Prescribe My Pain Meds And Clonazepam Along With Other Medications (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I am a 51 year old woman that is on disibality. I DESPERATLY NEED A DOCTOR.. in or as near as possible to Marion North Carolina, that will take medicade and will prescribe my pain meds and clonazepam along with my other meds. and not treat me like a criminal PLEASE!

72 Replies (4 Pages)

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Yes, I really need a pain management Dr, like now. I have two plates and four screws in my back n two screws r broken n I have been hit by a tractor trailer on the interstate and the Dr I was seeing just let me go cause he says I live too far n he doesn't want to write me my meds anymore after sending me to get a second opinion. So if you know where I could go I would greatly appreciate it.

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You have to go to a pain clinic for your pain meds in North Carolina, and to a psychiatrist to get your clozopan. A lot of doctors will not prescribe you pain meds and anti-depressants at the same time. So if you find problems getting them do not be surprised with the new FDA laws coming into affect they’re cracking down on supplying these drugs together. Like I said before you have to see two different doctors because you’re dealing with two different conditions.

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Re: cher (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

That is awesome I hope that this doctor works out for you. My physician passed away and the office was in turmoil took a year to get it back labor restructured nobody wanted to write any pain meds they referred 100 people at one time to the pain management clinic. Total chaos so good luck to you and your pain

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Re: JAM (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

MN may not have the drug problems many other states are facing, therefore the Drs there may not have the FDA riding their backs. Here in SC you can't even get a pain management Dr to give you pain meds. They send you to physical therapy which doesn't help very much at all. Just want pain relief in SC.

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Re: Dizzygurl (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Too bad you live so far. That's why i live near caseca doctors don't prescribe my tramadol or clonazepam 2mg....not just anyone will prescribe controlled substances cuz of the stupid laws in effect. Try herb... It will control your withdrawals because you're not going to get what you want...sorry...

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Re: summerbeach (# 58) Expand Referenced Message

Hahahahaha you're a funny one, surely you jest yes? The good ole days of getting easy pills with no conditions attached are well and truly over my friend, and its because of this very behaviour and the total lack of any regulations or duty of care showed by every participant in this whole stinking system. From the drug companies to the insurance providers, to the politicians and govt authorities, the medical practitioners and patients all looking the other way and having a drug fuelled free for all until everybody suddenly woke up from the hypnotic haze and said, "what the hell are we doing? What were we thinking, letting this thing come into being and then snowball out of all control?". Now we are trying to put the Genie back in the bottle by any means necessary, attacking all levels of supply and demand, panicking and freaking the f*** out in all the wrong places, and at the wrong people.

They that created this mess are responsible for fixing it. People who are now dependent or addicted on huge quantities of opioids over long perioids of time, unaware of the grave danger they were in, unaware of the terrible price they will pay if anything ever happens to disrupt the free flow of medicine. Now they are simply cut off from the blissful, artificially created, unrealistic opium haze their lives have become, with no assistance to readjust and gently ease back to reality, just left hanging. Its a cruel and unusual punishment for the lowly victims in this whole debacle. Surely there is a kinder way to reform the system than cold turkey for patients. Why couldnt they all be put on reasonable tapering schedules, with all the proper medical support to do so. The abrubt changes to opioid prescription and supply has just created widespread suffering and disruption to all levels and aspects of society and it will get much worse before it gets better, if it ever gets better.

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Re: princessa (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

You are an addict and doctors don't trust you. That's a ridiculous amount of xanax you take...phobic

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Re: Precious (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

That's who I see, he's a great Dr, only prescribes up to 120 of 1 mg, will not do the 2 mg bars

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Re: Precious (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

Dr hart is the best, he's been a life saver, he takes blue Cross ins

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Needing to find a pain Dr in morginton NC that don't need a referral

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I have been on zanax since I was 20 due to a nerpus disorder. We did try other things but noting works. Was starting to have my doubt's bout my doctor whim I've had bout 17 years give or take. He just stopped me not concerned for my health just the cover his ass. I was taking a 2 mg every 6 hours. I have a lot of medical issues. Seuzues,ibsd,heart failure and a messed of ankle,high cholesterol, etc I need to fund a doctor that will deal with zanax

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Re: Mbkm (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

Teri. Where is Dr heart located. I need a new Dr been on 1mg cans for 8 years they not doing much good any more. My Dr won't give me a higher my.

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I am in a similar position....who in Morganton?

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Please send me the morganton Dr number. I need help. Bad accident leaves me in excruciating pain. thank you. please text {edited for privacy}

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would you be able to provide me the doctors information in Morganton that you're talking about. I greatly would appreciate it. I just recently lost my insurance. does he take cash?

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Could you please post the doctors name in morganton? I would appreciate the info. Thanks.

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I'm in Salisbury charlotte Statesville NC area ????

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Try to see a Dr. you haven't seen. Bring your bottle and and any Records you have from your previous Doctor who prescribed Prednisone. Might help to go to the pharmacy and he can print out records showing how far back you started on the Prednisone, if you cant get Drs Records. Records can easily be faxed to new Doc. Ask him if he will AT LEAST help you to taper down and off the Prednisone. You CANNOT go Cold Turkey without the possibility of many serious side effects. A Dr. should give you enough for tapering. PLAN B- When you have 1 pill left..Just go to the ER. They will fill it!

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Does anyone still have a doctor's number or name in Morganton? I need one urgently......

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My dr closed due to fraud charges. Need to find dr near hickory or morganton north carolina to treat my several illnesses. High blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, and degeneration of disk in neck. Need all meds including pain pills and muscle relaxers.

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