Need A Doctor In Marion North Carolina That Is Willing To Prescribe My Pain Meds And Clonazepam Along With Other Medications (Page 3)
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I am a 51 year old woman that is on disibality. I DESPERATLY NEED A DOCTOR.. in or as near as possible to Marion North Carolina, that will take medicade and will prescribe my pain meds and clonazepam along with my other meds. and not treat me like a criminal PLEASE!

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Went to pain clinic today in C.B N.S. CANADA had back surgery and severe chronic pain doc handed me paper stating to the effect that the pain doctors are to stop prescribing narcotics and will have me off them quickly yet safely pretty screwed up .what does a person do when you take these meds so you can at least bare the pain to put in 25to30hour of work since it is just a big joke fighting with comp.what do you do about pain and not a chance of making it through a work day as they are very good to me now.Anybody else hear about this or is he just bullface lying to me!!!

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Jo have you found a Dr yet? I have one in mind. ..

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Ricky ,can you get to Charlotte, Rather Mint Hill NC And Gastonia NC? Primary care physician and pain clinics that can help you with legal paperwork. ..

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Jo, do you have a good primary care physician, that's the only way to get in to any pain writing Dr's? If so you can get a referral to Gaston Pain Center in Gastonia NC. Theyre location is Auburn Rd Gastonia Nc 28054. 704-865-9116 or 9115 is the numbers. Hope you the best.

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Nanna, did you ever get into a doctor to take care of you?

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Jo, if you are needing and are legit. First get Appt with a primary Dr. DR Kenard in Mint Hill NC. Then he will write your anxiety if you need then have him to refer you to a pain management (that's only way to get in is referred by primary care, all in this area) but the pain clinic is Gaston Pain Clinic and they will about keep you on what is best for you in past. But one thing. The xanax or benzos or limited to 3 mgs a day. HOPE THIS HELPS.

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Princissa, did you ever find a Dr to write Xanax?

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I am from Charlotte, NC & know what you are going thru. Have you found anyone decent? Willing to travel, sum?


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Did you find a good pain specialist in the Charlotte, Huntersville, Statesville, Salisbury, North Carolina HELP!!
Need Compassionate Pain Dr
& PCP who does not treat chronic pain patients like criminals & does not have a problem w/ Klonopin or Dilaudid or Oxy 15 or 30S
Suggestions are welcome & appreciated!!

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Its not Dr ellisson is it? And if not then who is it hun?

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Prednisone needs to be tapered. Go to ER & tell them you need to be "bridged" until you see a primary.withdrawals from prednisone are crippling for my joints (knees) if I don't taper by 5's.been that way since I was a child with Crohns. Hoping to never take it again, cause for me personally its a "deal with the devil". Severe mood changes & aggressive behaviors, cataracts on my 20's & its now got my bones so affected that I'm requiring an orthopedic surgery. I'm sure hoping a Dr. Won't let you leave without a proper taper plan & prednisone. God bless; this too shall pass

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Can someone please send me information about the Doctor in Morgaton. Nc. As mentioned in my previous post, I just moved here and I have been through 3 that wants to only do inj's. I tried it and I was crying for weeks... and ended up in the hospital. Please help me.

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Hi. I have been reading the post due to in need of someone as soon as possible bc my husband is in bad shape. We just moved here 2 months ago and I haven't been able to find anything except the inj's and they helped for a bit but by week 3 he was in the same situation. So he needs to be back on the medication. He is legit with all paperwork. Please let me know. {edited for privacy}

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It is because of comments like your "slam dunk dr" that those of us in real need have problems around USA. Start reducing your Xanax dosage and get off that. I was on a real low dose back in early 2000 and reduced my dosage and have not had any Xanax since 2001. I had no issues but if you do stop suddenly and are on high amounts, you risk the chance of seizures, besides reg withdrawal symptoms.

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I am in Salisbury NC I need to know if anyone knows of any doctors here that will prescribe me pain meds Percocet are lortabs . I have degenerative disc disease , fibromyalgia , rheumatoid arthritis . They all treat me like abusive I am even going to a pain clinic and they act the sameway !! Please I really need some help I am also 50 so I am not young ! Please help !!!

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I don't know why doctors who patients have a clean record and history is so hard to prescribe what medication you need. Be thank you don't live in Rutherford County,NC for the health care is bad ,forget about the hospital. My health is bad and I don't know how many years or months I have to live. Do not move here or retire here this has let it become a lousy place to live.

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Hi nana, I'm actually trying to move to Little Switerland NC from NY. I'm diagnosed with MS Fibromyalgia degernative disk and lumbar leithsis and recently Complex Regional Pain Sydrome also PTSD which has been in crisis as I'm in an abusive family situation I need to get out of. Had found a perfect place in LS and it fell through at the last minute. I make jewelry and carve gemstones and the job I had lined up had a tragedy so that fell through also. I have been receiving ketamine infusions and find that I was able to cut down on the amount of pain medication I take. I also found the infusions gave me the same peaceful feeling that I had in NC. Hey if you know anybody with anything for rent I give my permission for you to have my email adress. It's never hurts to ask and I have faith still that the Lord has something better for me in mind. As far as the ketamine infusions if your interested I think there is a doctor in Charolette that does them. They saved my life but they only last a while, 6 days for me but I might be getting the nasal spray. Also if you were able to find a pain doctor would you be kind enough to share them with me as I still hold out hope of making it there. Best of health and luck to you, Mary

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I can't find a new pain doctor closer to me. Because of the new laws doctor's don't want to treat pain. I have fibromyalgia, herniated disks in my neck, three bulging disks in lower back, nerve damage in my legs, bad knees, and more. My new family doctor sent me to two different pain doctor's and both refused to treat me. I have never abused my meds, I have passed all drug panels. For now I will have to keep seeing the pain doctor I have been. Even he has changed since the new laws came out, he has lowered two of my meds already, if he lowers the pain medication I will be into much pain to function. I am looking for a doctor in the downriver area of Michigan. I wish you luck and hope you find a understanding doctor.

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Does anyone still have a doctor's number or name in Morganton? I need one urgently......

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If you still have a Morganton Dr, please let me know. I'm also in a similar position

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