Need Dr. In Dallas, Tx. 75235 Area That Will Prescribe Xanag
UpdatedI have social and persistant anxiety disorders I'm look for a Dr. That will prescribe xanax xr yellow 2mgs. But some Dr's. Treat you like you an addict I just need my meds to get through my day sometimes there so bad I can't even leave my house my quality of life is lacking I don't know how much longer I can take it. Someone please help.....
1 Reply
Anxious gurl, Have any luck finding someone. I am in Dallas,and use ABC Behavioral Health for my psych help, But feel I need xanax, Hve been on it before and it helped greatly. My anxiety now is thru the roof, that combined with my manic depression and chronic pain, I'm starting to loose it again. Need Help!! Anyone out there??????
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