My Prescription Was Stolen Now What? (Page 7) (Top voted first)
UpdatedMe and my wife recently had a birthday party for my son. After the party I went into the bathroom to take one of my suboxone and i noticed the perscription was stolen. I have not reported it to the police or my doctor yet. I am not sure what to do. I dont want to ask my doctor for a replacement script because I dont know if I can get kicked out of the program. This program is the last chance for me to get my life straight and it is working so far but I am scared if I dont replace them that I run a risk of relapsing. My next appointment to get my regular refill is three weeks away. Has anybody ever delt with a situation like this or have any real advise on what to do?
Re: Pat (# 2)
You are still an addict. Just to a different drug. Love when ppl say I'm clean but are on Methadone. If you're on Methadone, then you are not clean and still a drug addict.
Wow your story's almost exact as mine. I have Crohn's disease my life and have to be on and off pain meds prob for life. I took my suboxine the past two days and it helps so much. Unless My ulcers are really bad like today prob getting but I have subs that I am getting rid of cheap. I would talk to u on phone so u feel comfortable. Hopefully your a girl cause I usually only deal with women. Cause I'm a women and people try to take advantage u know. Giving u info I'm in palm harbor and drive so get backs to me if your looking or wanna trade. I'm the safest girl. thank god I don't deal with the five-0. Email me and I will text u my number even show u a pic so u know who ur meeting. Then I have to make sure u delete that. As u can tell I'm as safe as they come. My dads actually a podiatrist so I know a lot. Trying to meet new good honest f***in chill people.
First off suboxine is ONLY supposed to be taken for 3-5 days, what it does is when you go into withdrawals you take the drug and all detox pain goes away or is minimized. It also blocks the opiate receptors in your brain so say you take a Vicodin while on Suboxine maintenance it will not work because those receptors are blocked by the Suboxine. Any real Doctor knows this, you start on a large dose then every dose after that gets tapered till your off the drug entirely and through withdrawals, no one should be taking Suboxinr longer than a week period!methadone is a joke you should just stay on opiates or herion and mixing methadone and Valium you get a simillar high to herion! If you are a herion addict and want to get clean it's the same thing as Suboxine a week tops to get you through the detox period and what most people don't know methadone detox is 10 times worse than herion detox so I never understood why the FDA approved it. The proper way to detox off street drugs or strong opiates is Suboxine in a controlled setting like a rehab where you start on a strong dose and rapidly taper that dose in 3-5 days total and then are off the drug completely. As all of us recovering addicts know detoxing and getting sober is the easiest part, it's staying sober that's the hard part and many go to N.A or some other type of support groups, or go to therapy. I was addicted to opiates for 10 years did the Suboxine detox in 4 days and this August have 6 years clean! Both drugs can be abused and both are still opiates so I agree totally with the above post your just trading one drug addiction for another. Detoxing sucks but it won't kill you and 2 weeks of detoxing is very painful but also very helpful when you think of relapsing! I never even knew about pills till 1998 after a horrific car accident where I was in a coma had severe head trauma, broke my right hip and injured my back causing two discs to slip that were so painful and my Doctors at the time threw drugs at me like candy and then act surprised when you become dependent on them and then start to abuse them, it's a frickin epidemic now and a major problem! I speak from experience and know both those drugs are a cop out, buck up check into a detox center get off the drugs or pills then transfer to a rehab for at least 60-90 days to get the tools and support to stay clean because if you have been taking Suboxine or Methadone for over 10 years you are still a drug addict! If your serious about getting clean take my advice it's sure not easy but you will get sober and stay sober! Stay away from those drugs and detox properly and then get into a program for support that is the only way to stay clean!
And THAT'S THE TRUTH RIGHT THERE!!! You've traded one vice for another. No excuses or tear jerking stories etc... Get off the s*** and STOP justifying your addiction!
Thats totally true! They should have just stayed on the oxys... if someone wants to get off of the oxy n just trades that for methadone or suboxin it is fine but to just continue to take them for 10 years isnt getting them off them its just trading one for another! 10 years omg it should have been 10 months n working down from there! At least the oxy does something for you lol
I'm actually facing the same problem right now. My suboxone was stolen along with some other meds, and I.m starting to get sick. I don't know if I should call the doctor's office tomorrow( saturday ) and tell them what happened. I've never had any incidents in seven years, and I feel like my doctor really knows me, but I'm still really afraid to call. What if they don't believe me? I barely stayed alive long enough to make it into the program, I can't afford to be kicked out because they think that I'm some lier trying to get more meds.
if i was u..i would report it stolen show the doc the police report an if the doc wont give ur another script then try to buy them..buyn them off the street needs to be the last in oh an here on the street subs are 40 a piece..insane an the risk of being back n the drug go phrew all that needs to be last drawl..maybe a hhospital will help cause withdrawl from suboxone can will bad an hurt careful n whatever u do.
Yes, a police report is really the smartest option. Even if your doctor will not replace them, you will have documentation that proves you were not abusing or selling them, which can be vital to your continued treatment.
Have you contacted the police or your doctor, yet?
Why are you all on suboxone or methadone? They still get you you really think you are recovering by trading one addiction for another? Not only that one of you said you've been on suboxone for 10 yrs...REALLY. And you are worried about what your doctor thinks? If I was your dr I would be thinking you have no desire to "recover." Now you're hooked on recovery. Sorry its just stupid! Look, change is great and the intent to be clean is wonderful...I'm just saying its time to take the next step. You know it you're not gonna feel high'll be OK I promise. Please stop with the excuses ..after ten years of use there is no difference between daily oxycontin and methadone consumption. It is still keeping the beast alive and you're shutting yourself off from the new life you intended on having. Please think about it.
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