My 14yr Old Took 2300 Mgs Ibuprofen All At Once 24 Hours Ago
UpdatedShe took 2300 mgs ibuprofen all at once 24 hours ago. She vomited within 30 min. Do I need to worry that she overdosed?
1 Reply
Hello, Jennifer! How is your daughter doing?
In the future, any time you fear for the life or health of a loved one, please call 911, your local poison control or go to your nearest emergency treatment facility. While there are those of us online that are always happy to help, if we can, there is nothing we can do over the Internet, if life saving measures might be required.
That said, that is a very high dosage to take at once, so there is a risk that she may have done some damage to her stomach or liver, which should be checked out via blood work and other exams.
The maximum daily dose for adults is usually around 3,200mgs.
But the vomiting could have been a symptom of overdosage.
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