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3 Replies
I like zanaflex at night. It helps immensely. Good luck!
Just reading through comments to see if I should try Amrix or not.
I take 1 oxycodone during the day&2 at nite.I also take gabapentin 11/2 pills four times a day for nerve pain.I also take meloxicam 2 times a day.I have degenative disc disease,nerve damage in neck&lower back,a very painful form of arthitis in my neck&lower back,senosis&bulging disc in neck&lower back,a pertruding disc in upper back from a accident.My dr gave me samples of amrix&it worked great but my copay is very high so I can't afford it.What is a pain med I can take for muscle spasms and to help me rest at nite?I go to my dr next week but I was trying to get diff people's opinions.Thank u
The markings in the description indicate this pill to be Skelaxin (800 mg).
Skelaxin is a muscle relaxant used to relax muscles and relieve pain caused by strains, sprains, and other musculoskeletal conditions.
You can view a detailed description of the drug, by clicking on the link below...
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