Muscle Pain (Top voted first)


Hello. I have only been on Lansoprazole for a week following a severe bout of acid reflux - finished up in a&e because they thought it was cardiac chest pain. I feel Ok with the tablets, watching what I eat, but I am getting muscle pain in my lower legs. Has anyone else had this side effect or is it perhaps caused by something else? - and the occasional headache.when I never normally get headaches.

2 Replies

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Actually, those symptoms could be the signs of extremely low magnesium and the monographs direct that you should stop taking the Lansoprazole and contact your doctor immediately.

They should check your magnesium levels and help you supplement back, if necessary.

You can learn more Lansoprazole details here.

It is known that this class of medications can cause a deficiency of it, in some people.

Have you had any other symptoms?

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Hello. No other symptoms other than this muscular pain in the back of my calves - and i feel a bit fragile still. I am not eating much, not wanting to eat but I am having regular meals, only on smaller plates. I had a really nasty bout of acid reflux with chest pains and I am watching everything I eat now in case I eat anything that will aggravate it. I havent contacted the doctor yet but I will do if the pain in my legs doesnt let up. The pain isnt bad enough to stop me doing stuff but it is aching when I rest.

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