Mosegor Vita Capsule


Sold in the Philippines for weight gain. The syrup and tablets contain pizotifen and vitamins B1,2,3, and 6. Small capsule is orange and yellow and comes in a 2X5 10 capsule foil pack. No markings on capsule but foil pack has a red Rx and inside a red rectangle it says Pizotifen Vitamin B Complex, and below the box it says Mosegor Vita Capsule.

My fiance INSISTS that the Mosegor tablets don't work for her but the capsules do.

110 Replies (6 Pages)

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Sorry, since this is not something available in the US, I have no information on it.

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mosegor tablet don't work for me, What can i do?

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Where i can buy this mosegor vita in Singapore? is the name mosegor vita is the same name/brand they used in Singapore? thank you

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i want to know the action of drugs.

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Be carefull with this drug and ordering it. There have been reports that the sale and money goes to a terror group related directly to Al-Quaida. Again... these are reports about the drug itself.

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mosegor vita capsule costs P32.00 each ..

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can my teen ager son aged 18 take the said vitamins to gain weight?

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makanu po ba ang mosegor at san ito nbibili?

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ung mosegor po ay 31 pesos sa maercuryat di ko pa siya natatry...svi nla effective.....

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ung mosegor vitamins po ay 31 pesos sa mercury drugstore at di ko pa siya natatry...svi nla effective.....

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ilan beses iinumin ito kada araw?and kailan maganda inumin,umaga or gabi?

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nkakataba ba ang mosegor?

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mosegor vita should be taken once a day. It is being absorb by our body very fast approximately 0.05h to 0.08h.

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I was shocked when i bought it from a drugstore, it costs me P761.00 (mosegor vita syrup). I bought it for my 10- year old daughter. It was recommended by her doctor.

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I would like to buy mosegor vita syrup, but i can not find it in usa..Can you please let me know where an I order it from any website that they sell this medicine..

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the description i bought was.. it has no red RX and black rectangle enclosing then generic name.. is it the same..?

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the description i bought was.. it has no red RX and black rectangle enclosing the generic name.. is it the same..?

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how many dose need to take mosegor vita syrup for 3years old son

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mosegor vita cap cost 34.50 at mercury drugstore or watsons pharmacy

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mosegor vita capsule now costs P34.75 here in the philippines. it helps a lot to me. i was taking the capsule for 6 days now, and it works well to me. i now eat a lot. =) ooppsss.. by the way, do not take the vitamin in the morning. it makes you sleepy all day.

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Re: Gino (# 86) Expand Referenced Message

69 pesos pero pag sa rose pharmacy tag 55 lang po

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Is it safe to take Mosegor Vita capsules while breastfeeding?

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Re: shel (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

meron po bang generic ng mosegor sa mercury?

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Re: kathy (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Hi once a day Lang po ba mag tatake? This will be very helpful, I just started this day and I took the capsule kaninang tanghali, makes me sleepy af haha. Am 18.

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My child is 15 years old and I would like to ask if he is fit to take mossegor capsule. He is underweight only 40 kilos.

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Re: precy (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

49 pesos po s mercury

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Hi.. Gusto ko lang po malaman kung ilang beses iniinom ang mosegor vita capsule sa loob ng isang araw tnx..

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Hi I wanna share my experienced about sleep trouble. I’ve been sleepless for 4 nights and because I was worried I went to my doctor and she gave me different medicine. My brother got a girlfriend and she is a patient service in SAUDI since of all my worries I asked her if she could experience this kind of situation and she said to me she’s taking mosegor and it is effective. When I went to the chemist I bought mosegor but I never take it yet because on my research it is only vitamin B complex so I was doubted.HOWEVER, after I went to my doctor I took the pills unfortunately it wasn’t effective, On the fourth night still the same did not worked so I just cried coz I really wanna go to sleep but since my eyes really wide awake I decided to take MOSEGOR even my doctor warned me not to take any vitamins while I’m still taking her medicine that gave to me I disobeyed because it’s really hard with no sleep.. when I took the MOSEGOR I never thought how effective it was I just suddenly knocked off without knowing and because of that I am still taking the mosegor just want to restore my sleep that’s all because it is only my 3 nights taking of this so still need sleep restoration..MOSEGOR is the best for sleep but careful for the weight coz make me so hungry all of the times lol.

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Hi po! Ask lang po kung pwede ba inumin yung mosegor sa gabi tapos sa umaga after breakfast cecon?

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Re: Liana (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I'm also taking this over the counter.

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