Mosegor And Its Side Effect (Page 3)
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I have been taking Mosegor to gain weight. I havwe also realised that though am gaining water my stomach is also becoming quite big. Scondly I want to know if there is any side effect associated for taking mosegor. Thank you.

59 Replies (3 Pages)

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Mosegor makes me relax and gain weight. Advice if its okay

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HI, are you from U.S.A.? if you are, just like to know where did you get your Mosegor vita caps, my mother need it badly, she's in New Jersey....

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I have been using mosegor for like 1 month and i have gained 4 kgs but it makes me really sleepy lazy and ifluences my studies i cant study properly unfortunatley i stopped taking it cause the pharmacist warned me he said it will affect my nervous system my mood if i took it continiously does anyone know any other apetite increaser ???

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i wnna be chubby coz am a lil i dnt wnt 2 feel drwsness during d day...wll i stll feel drwsnness if i take mosegor at night???or n the aftrnoon??

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Iam Mouza'iam in Mozegor since the last 3years for two reasons it helps me alot to gain weight and to have good sleep(it helps to elevate my mood especially iam amother of 5kids and iam 33yrs old)so I sometimes feels depressed but with mosegor iam more energitic(i do aeropic exercise regularly and with both exercise and mosegor i feel stable(i tried stopping mosegor but i gradualy lost my wt)))

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1 -2 months but again it s not easy to keep those extra kilos once you stop taking mosegor. i capsule in the evening.
note; i developped an anxiety desorder,my doctor said it may be bcuz of mosegor.(mosegor is an antidepression drug,unfortunately i have just known that.)

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1 -2 months but again it s not easy to keep those extra kilos once you stop taking mosegor.

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is it true mosegor can cause infertility?

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hi i took mosegor for a year i went from 60 to 75 kg i m 180 cm tall .... mosegor DOES work ... but unfortunately once you stop taking it it take few months and you re back again to loosing weight... i m 69 kg now i don t know what to do i can put myself on mosegor again but i know it s a matter of time and i m thin again ... it s a cycle that if you get yourself into it well you are into it for years ... plus it makes you laaaaaaaaaazy and irritable ,.... i can t stand my kids when i m on it.... i don t have the energy to tutor my son.... i don t know may be i ll wait till his exams are finished by the end of this month and then i ll start taking mosegor (july and august) come back in september in a good shape... people out there are busy helping fat people (who actually made themselves FAAAT by eating more and more)and forget about thin people who actually can t eat enough because they just cant ...they need help. at least we dont make the damage and wiat for others to fix it ...

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how long did it take you to gain weight??? how many capsules did you take??

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Hi guys,,,its help me a lot to gain my weight. now i feel more chuby not really skinny, so thanks god that i take mosegor... so guys take it or leave it...I hope it will help you too.

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i am currently taking mosegor, and it makes me drown. my apetite increased and i always feel lazy

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plizz can i gain weight with mosegor??and with how many days??

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I am taking the capsule and yes it really works for me.. It's increased my appetite dramatically and I get longer sleeps now.

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It helps me gain weight when i took mosegor.

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I am taking mosegor as a cure to my on set insomnia. The side effects occurs during the day,drowsiness in the office and yes my appetite increased. I don't think that it is curing my onset insomnia. Maybe anybody of you out there knows the cure tomy sickness.

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It did work for my brother. He gained weight.

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Mosegor, from what I can find out online, is a multivitamin supplement, thus it is not really proven to help you gain weight, though some doctors and users do swear by it.

Has anyone shown any results from using this?

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I want to know more about mosegor and please bear with me.

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