Mosegor And Its Side Effect (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have been taking Mosegor to gain weight. I havwe also realised that though am gaining water my stomach is also becoming quite big. Scondly I want to know if there is any side effect associated for taking mosegor. Thank you.

59 Replies (3 Pages)

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lol, yes mosegor vita makes you eat and eat and eat, sleep and sleep and sleep and makes you feel like lazy as you may always want to sleep lol.But.... thats good enough if you really need much sleep and wanting to gain weight.

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mosegor alone is not enough to gain the weigt, along with that u should take a multivitamin capsule....then it works a lot.

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Nag tatake ng lactezin, Tanong ko lang po kung puwede po ba isabay ang lactezin sa mosegor vitamins?

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I'm from greece and i can't find mosegor here. Can you tell me where i can find mosegor for adults?

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how to take mosegor vita capsule? before eating or sfter eating?

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I noticed also the same thing. I gained weight but my tummy getting bigger also!! Is it normal side effect on it?

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For Which Purpose Mosegor Syrup Is Used Plz Tell Me is It for Animals Too or Not

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Yes. I take mosegor to add weight and it really worked for me. I have a very flat tummy if i didn't tell you am taking it you wouldn't know but the side effect is that if you stop talking it and not replacing it with may be vit 'b complex or any multivitamin you will be losing weight again.

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Am thin and wants to gain weight. How many bottles do I need

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Ilang taon pwede mag take ng mosegor vita capsule? Bedtime ba yun tinetake? Once a day lang ba? Ilang mg? Thanks

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Can mosegor tablets cause infertility? I've been using it for sometime now.

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Re: CJ DERBS (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

You take before 5 pm for better sleep and don't eat to much

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Gusto q lng po itanong kng ilang oras po sa pgtulog ang epekto ng Mosegor Vita,yan po ba ay matatawag na sleeping pills

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Take twice will help u a lot

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Mosegor is not a multivitamin. It is a migraine drug which is used off label to improve appetite. And yes it has side effects

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Can I use mosegor tablet while I am a diabetic & hepatitis c patient, I am very much skin & want to increase my weight.

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Iam Mouza'iam in Mozegor since the last 3years for two reasons it helps me alot to gain weight and to have good sleep(it helps to elevate my mood especially iam amother of 5kids and iam 33yrs old)so I sometimes feels depressed but with mosegor iam more energitic(i do aeropic exercise regularly and with both exercise and mosegor i feel stable(i tried stopping mosegor but i gradualy lost my wt)))

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I want to know more about mosegor and please bear with me.

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does mosegor has any effect on conception and fertilization

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