Morphine Dr? (Top voted first)


Anyone know a good Dr in Utah who can prescribe opiate meds? My husband has verybad bbulging and herniated discs in his back, arthritis in his spine and fibromyalgia and usually takes 60mg morphine e.r but since moving here we can't find a Dr that will fill his RX they all want him to do physical therapy when it doesn't work...

5 Replies

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Hello, Buddhagrl! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problem that you're having.

He might be creating part of the problem himself, if he's calling doctors or going to appointments and asking them to prescribe this medication. It is a highly addictive, controlled substance and most doctors will view that as being drug seeking behavior.

What he needs to do is set up an appointment with a pain management specialist and make sure that they get a full copy of his current medical records, so those records can speak for him. Once they can see what has and hasn't worked for him in the past, as documented by a fellow physician, they will be more prone to prescribe accordingly.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I understand what you mean and I'm sure it seems that way but coming from another state it seems the Dr. here are very strict about morphine and any narcotic for that matter. I'm sure it may seem that way but he's not addicted he simply cannot move let alone work without them which would devistate us financially if were unable to work because he would be laying in bed in agony I've seen it and it's scary. We are currently in the process of getting his old Dr. to send over his information but that could take awhile and he is very low on his meds. Looks like we will be driving out of state for an appointment to his old Dr. to get them filled since that is really our only option right now I just hate to spend the gas money if we don't have to it's a half days drive....thanks for the help.

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Hi there's, so sorry for your struggle. I suffer from severe fibro as well and serious nerve damage due to an accident and chronic headaches. The DEA cracked down hard on utah at the beginning of the year since we have one of the highest OD cases in the country. You have to go specifically to a pain management clinic now to be able to be prescribed these Meds. I'm on 15 mg oxycodone 4x/ day and 2 30 mg morphine, plus a muscle relaxer at night to sleep. Utah docs also won't prescribe Soma anymore, it led to the most deaths in drug OD's. Needless to say it sounds like a pain but I got into one and they've saved my life. I was only taking the oxycodone when I found them. They were the ones that prescribed the morphine and muscle relaxer as they saw my pain was still so bad. The new laws suck, I'll be honest. But if you can find a good pain clinic they'll help. They understand more than a regular dr. It's all they do is deal with chronic pain. I promise there's help. My father in law who deals with chronic pain started going there as well 6 months ago and they've helped him tremendousy. I really hope this helps. Good luck!

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Is it legal by the forums guidelines for you to say which clinic you use or even which city or part of the city they are in? I moved here from the south and even with x-rays, MRIs, ect and using the same pharmacy for 9 years they still want to go with surgery. I've done so many procedures that I've lost count and I don't want to change anything just stay on the RX that works for me but I can't find a doctor who isn't listing surgery as the first option.

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Please.....i mean PLEASE listen....
I WISH that your husband would be able to find another way other than pain killers to help with the sorry he fights with the pain.
But please.....DO NOT START ON is a road you soon will WISH you never travelled.

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