Migradorixina (Top voted first)


a spanish med for migrains. i need to find out about the ingredients as soon as possible.

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Each tablet contains:

Lysine clonixinate

125 mg

Ergotamine tartrate

1 mg

PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION: MIGRA DORIXINA is an association for the treatment of headaches and migraines, whose pharmacological action depends on its components.

Ergotamine is vasoconstriction and decrease blood flow to different organs and increase blood pressure. Ergotamine is absorbed slowly and incompletely and individual variations, is metabolized in the liver to generate some active metabolites. Only traces of unmetabolized ergotamine is excreted in the urine and feces.

The clonixinate lysine and ergotamine can be found in breast milk.

INDICATIONS: MIGRA DORIXINA is indicated in all types of migraine headaches.


To contain ergotamine: Macrolide antibiotics, beta blockers, systemic vessel constrictor, parenteral epinephrine, metaraminol, methoxamine, norepinephrine, phenylephrine parenteral anesthetic solutions with vasoconstrictors, nitroglycerin, snuff.


MIGRA DORIXINA is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to any component of the formulation.

To contain ergotamine: Do not administer to patients with hypertension not adequately controlled. Should not be administered to patients with coronary artery disease, angina pectoris. Other contraindications to the use of ergotamine are occlusive peripheral vascular disease, malnutrition, impaired liver function, severe itching associated with liver disease. Must not be used during lactation.


To contain ergotamine: Must be used with caution in patients with trauma to the extremities.

• Pregnancy: Not recommended because ergotamine is a potent oxytocic. The stimulatory action of ergotamine on the uterus and its vasoconstrictor activity, which leads to decreased uterine blood flow, can be harmful to the fetus.

• Lactation: Ergotamine is distributed into breast milk and may cause adverse effects in the infant.

• Pediatrics: Ergotamine is used in patients aged 6 and older. There are no reports to date specific pediatric problems.

• Geriatrics: Caution is advised in the elderly, who are more prone to kidney problems, so caution should be exercised in patients taking this medicine.


To contain ergotamine, It is not associated with macrolide antibiotics MIGRA DORIXINA, beta-blockers, vasoconstrictors such as parenteral epinephrine, metaraminol, methoxamine, norepinephrine, phenylephrine parenteral anesthetic solutions with vasoconstrictors, nitroglycerin, nicotine (snuff).


To contain ergotamine: Cardiovascular effects, specifically angina pectoris, tachycardia or bradycardia, hypertension or hypotension, cerebral ischemia, pain in arms, legs, coldness in hands or feet. Have also been reported myocardial infarction and stroke.

Less frequently: Drowsiness, insomnia, dry mouth, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Also been described severe headaches, such as bouncing effect in patients using ergotamine in excess.


To contain ergotamine: An increase of migraine headaches may indicate tolerance to ergotamine.


MIGRA DORIXINA: Packs containing 10 and 100 tablets.

For more information see the leaflet accompanying the product.


Faustino Sánchez Carrión Jr. 425,
Magdalena del Mar, Tel: 462-1616
Lima 17 - Peru

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This actually contains Ergotamine and Lysine, it seems they classify this under the steroids category.

Information on it is really hard to find, since it is not used in the US.

Does anyone else know anything else about this?

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A friend brought Migra dorixina from Peru for my husband who suffers with Migraines. He had gotten Ibupirac Migra containing cafeina ergotamine and Ibuprofeno it worked well but not easy to get. Is there something from Pero sima.ar we could order.?

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I got them from Dominican Republic is faster and cheaper

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Active Ingredient(s)


English: Ergotamine (I am pretty sure)

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