Methadone And Morphine Together (Page 7)
Write up bucket list of things you wish to do & do it,don't worry about anything else!!
I have migraines and sometimes have to go to the hospital & they give a morphine shot to knock it out. The only thing is I'm on 190 milligrams of methadone,my question is will I feel the effects of the morphine shot?
My other question was is it dangerous to take 10 milligrams of Valium while I'm on 190 milligrams of methadone? I get bad headaches & anxiety attacks so the Valium is very helpful.
I have been on prescribed doses of Methadone and Morphine Sulfate IR since 2002 for intractable pain due to idiopathic adolescent severe scoliosis and kyphosis plus several spinal injuries. I am 67 yrs old and will finally have surgery next month. This involves replacing all discs (bulging, herniated or torn), stabilizing 4 fractured vertebrae and fusing in 3 sections all vertebrae from C2 to S1 using a paste grown from my own bone cells & temporarily using rods and screws until the fusion "takes". I have no other health issues except mild osteopenia. It is a 3 day surgery & will stop my forward 90 degree bend from compressing my internal organs and the numbness/pain in my back and limbs. Methadone (and morphine) have saved my life and enabled me to walk (w/rollator) 3X a day with my dog to stay mobile. The stigma placed on Methadone is undeserved. I have used from my current 40mg/day to 90/mg a day as my long acting pain med, and Morphine Sulfate IR 15 mg as my breakthrough med, from current 60mg/day to 120 mg after spine trauma or accident injuries. Methadone is extremely long acting, up to 24 hrs. Which is why those withdrawing from opiates are dosed once a day. All opiates can cause constipation which is why my Dr. Has me take a stool softener and drink lots of water/fluids. The only other medications I take are 400mg ibuprofen 3X day for inflammation and 1 OTC Prilosec. Neither pain med makes me nauseous, and I have been on everything in the book; some tore up my stomach, like hydrocodones or oxycodones. Others like Fentanyl/Actique put me in lala land. And yes, at my higher doses my meds did make me drowsy, but I needed the sleep to heal. Thank you for listening.
Not at the same time. What does the bottle say? They both can make him very tired. I would take the Methadone in the am and the Morphine in the afternoon. If you have any questions please call the Pharmacist and the Dr.
Hi there,I am currently on 100mg MST Continus 1daily & 2 Coxfalm 15mg for lower back injury underwent spinal fusion L4.5,S1 with rods & screws installed,pain still fluctuates between 5-10 daily,the pain centre Doctor said if I take any methadone syrup even the smallest dose it will cause my heart to stop,is this correct??
I'm on Methadone and other meds for 25 back surgeries. You have to be VERY CAREFUL WITH METHADONE. It builds up in your blood stream and yes it can stop your heart. It takes quite some time to recover from back surgery. I hope you feel better soon. Just let me know if I can help.
Thanks a lot, I appreciate your feedback.
Wow I thought I had it bad.I wish
You the best.I'm on the exact meds so I know everythiby your going through.I've had 25 surgeries and cannot walk up right
so I may have to undergo another surgery.I've had Osteomyelitis so it's tough to say yes about a surgery.I want to stand up.better so Its GREAT to hear you can and Will do that.Please keep in touch.
Let me know how it all goes.My sincere good thoughts will be with you.
Hi.He should take on in the morning
and the Liquid instant relief in the evening.
I hope his helps.Best wishes for a great outcome.You can always call your local pharmacist they can explain why..
Sincerely Colette
You're welcome Dean. If I can help in any other way, just let me know. Thanks.
Back in the 70s i was on 40 mgs of methadone and I went through close to 100 dilaudid one weekend without feeling a single one. The only drug I can feel over my methadone is fentanyl and It has to be a fairly high dose (160 mcgs) because now im on 150 mgs of methadone.
Im getting off methadone for once its the best thing to take with any other opiate cuz it keep you from abusing and taking too much of anything and i havent been high off of oxys for years and it works great for pain with oxys.i use to take xanax with this only 20 mgs of methadone and i use to sleep and feel great but when i quit the xanax boy that was a worse feeling than withdrawls and it took 2 months to get normal even tho i had methadone and oxys so stay away from that combo if possible.and i dont care what anyone say you do not need more than 40 mgs of methadone it just makes it harder to get off them..i tkae 15 to 5 mgs a day and its the same
I am on methadone, just 60ml daily. Anyway I so thank you for your, well lesson. It's interesting. I love that you have said where methadone has come from. I knew Hitler, well I'd heard, he'd had it made but didn't know that China had cut Germany off, so cheers for the lesson, nice one.
Methadone is a bigger compound, therefore in high doses it will make other full agonists like morphine harder to cling to other receptors because they are occupied. Anyhow, it's probably best taking morphine at night if on high doses of methadone; allowing methadone atoms to metabolize.
Hi, im on 45mg of methadone and if i take 60mg of m-eslon (morphine) i get a migraine, but if i have around 30mg it's ok, no migraine. From what i understand, under 150mg of methadone helps the morphine bind to the receptors, but over that and the methadone clogs the receptors. I could be wrong though.
In my personal experience, a medication called Neurotin was amazing for me. If you are going through withdrawal, you need to find a doc to prescribe it and then withdrawals won't be bad at all
Congrats, anyone that can withdraw from something as potent as methadone in an outpatient setting truly deserves the admiration of all who have struggled with this gorilla. I'm glad you prefaced your post as in your personal opinion that Neurontin was effective for your withdrawal. You are one of the fortunate ones. As a long term MMT Client working in this field my experience is that few receive measurable relief from Neurontin alone. When used in conjunction with other class drugs it shows more promise. Individuals vary as to what and how much will aide in this transition.
TO ALL CONTEMPLATING A WITHDRAWAL FROM METHADONE I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE SINCE THIS PROCESS CAN CREATE LIFE THREATENING COMPLICATIONS. Especially for those with underlying medical conditions. Recovery is possible but this challenge requires years of intense aftercare to establish an environment conducive to an opiate free life. Thank you all and God bless.
Finally after 4 years i quit methadone got to 2.5mg a day to 2.5mg 3 days and now done only thing is a little bit of restless stomach and leg syndrome but very can read my post thruout the years on here.good luck and godbless everyone.but if anyone takes opiates oxys norcos etc very little methadone will keep you on check from abusing other opiates ask your doctor because without it i was always sick next day either taking as perscribed or having to take more.
I don't know when you posted. But do NOT just quit methadone cold turkey. What methadone does in your system is attach to the receptors and if you take it daily, it keeps stacking. Methadone is known as a "stacker" drug. Meaning the more you take the more it stacks on top of your receptors. If you quit cold turkey, sure you will be okay for a couple of days. The worst days are 5-8. But when trust me when I say, just do it the right way. Ween yourself off of it with the help of your doctor.
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