Methadone And Morphine Together (Page 4)
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Hitler did instruct his scientists to create the drug Methadone; they gave up the patent and we bought it in the U.S. many years ago; it was originally marketed here as Dolophine and used for opioid addiction.
It is one of the strongest long acting pain medications known and cheapest.
You can utilize Morphine and Methadone. I am on both. Morphine inj., Oxy solution, Methadone for long acting, and other medications.
Due to recent government interventions causing deaths to thousands with intractable pain the cost of my need for Duragesic was so high I had to go to Court to win a medical award for life I already won years ago.
It works, it is a nasty drug as well. All of them are but what is worse dying as I could from IP.
Wish I would have seen this 3 years ago to help you!!!
YES! They would help you very much! Even just 1/2 a pill would!
Hope u went and took them!
Ur right my pain cl8nc cut my methadone down to 15mg from 40mgs and my wife was switched to norphine and now off everything for 3 weeks sneezes alot
Is it dangerous i go go clinic take 110 mlg of methadone and I have a bottle of morphine 20mg A teaspoon in a 20 ml bottle
Wow you seem very calm and all for your wife dieing
Your facts on methadone production are false. Hitler had nothing to do with it... Respectfully.
Hi Deb, Im 57 from Pa. I've been on methadone for 30 yrs. As everyone said methadone does not cancel out any pill. My brother and 2 cousins passed from bladder cancer. I guess the doctor figures to take methadone on a good day and morphine on rougher days. My cousin passed in a month. Bladder cancer like any cancer is bad. Also she was on so much morphine she was falling. Just know Your in my prayers and at least your doctor wants you or your hubby to be comfortable. Sometimes when cancer hits we cant take that. In other words cancer in my family is a death sentence. So just keep taking it as long as YOU or the person wants to. I've lost my entire family from Bladder an other cancers. God be with you an your family. I've been on 120 mg for 30 yrs. Orange diskets. They dont work anymore. So maybe when the methadone doesn't work-the morphine will.
In las Vegas Nv. Try Dr.Mohajer Pooyah. May be spelled wrong. He is an India Dr., he cares for his patients, knowledgeable, spends time with you. NOT a pill mill. A real doctor.
That's a bad cocktail you don't want..methadone and morphine. My wife was on 60 mg morphine and she took 40 mg of methadone pills that morn & took her morphine that same night..I lost her yesterday. She never woke up..1-27-16 now you can rest pain free baby..RIP
Never taken H and never talkn about methadone and effects it has and it saved me but eventually it will kill us all i was able to ween down and ive been taking th for two reasons one i was tires of being sick from oxy 30s i use to get and second i still needed pain back
Dude.Are you taking the Methadone and skin popping the H for pleasure? Most of us have real pain issues.I'm not saying you dont, but your going to have a bigger issue! Just my opinion.Not judging.Take care.
Ive taken xanax valuim or clomazapan with methadone and it works great it is a very dangerous mix if u take alot together.the bad thing is when u quit taking benzos the methadone doesnt help u will lose appetite stomach get screwed up and real bad constipation..i took for 5 months after my best friend died and it took 2 months to get back to normal coming off benzos.i stay away from xanax but take half of clamazapan here and there and only take 5mgs of methadone after 3 years of 40mgs.the methadone is used for back pain but my doc wasnt to bright so after one of his patients died he sent everyone to pain clinic and they help get my friend off of dones to small doses of morphine and perks and and thats what ill soon careful out there dont be a statistic.
Who are you seeing in Vegas? Is your a workmans comp? They are the ones declining thevOxycontin.It's so expensive that the Drawn have to give you something you can afford.It also worked great for me.No side effects, just pain relief.
I know this for sure you should not be takeing valium with methadone that is dealy as hell and would stop taking them together immediately I go to the methadone clinic and they wont give you methadone if your taking benzos
I should have been clearer. I waited only a day before taking the morphine. No way was I dealing with withdawl! Did that once......never again. Unfortunately my doc stated me on 15 MG's. Morphine.....when I was needing 30 mgs of methadone. Who can guest what my pain scale is??LOL
I hope my fellow painters have the best day possible!
Rina with MPS
I took 80 milgrams of liquid Methadone at 8:00 a.m.. Its now 11:00 p.m. I just shot 80cc's of tar, I skin pop bcuz have no veins. Long story long........ I felt it full force!! It seems like the M-done enhanced the H or vice-versa. Anyway just wanted share my experience since there's a lot of b.s. or 2nd news.
Methadone is long lasting, takes up to 60 hrs for first dose to leave and every time u take it, it adds on top of the previous dose...the pain clinic is taking us off methadone and giving us morphine 15mg er 3x a day plus percocet we use to get 4 x 10mgs a day of methadone and 2 x 15 mgs of oxycodone. now my wife is 1 month off methadone and replace with the morphine was a little tough at first she sneezed alot but got thru fine im on 3 x 10mgs of methadone and 2 x 15 and just got next script 3 x 5mgs methadone for ween and 2 x 10mgs of oxy...i work so its a little harder for me but this ween down works for methadone if anyone is interested in asking ur docs.
I'd be very careful mixing methadone and morphine. I took methadone, but it stopped working. My doc told me he could switch me to morphine ER. He then proceeded to tell me not to EVER take the 2 together. Something about your heart rate can slow way down. And I was even taking a low dose, 30mgs twice a day. Also has something to do with methadone remaining in your system for so long? I'm not sure what to believe, but I'll wait to take the morphine.....just in case! Best Wishes to all dealing with chronic pain.
I wouldn't advise quitting methadone or any other opiates cold turkey, I was on methadone almost 2 yrs and the first 2 weeks after tapering off I was fine the next 3 weeks was HORRIBLE. I couldn't sleep I was so sick. Taper down to zero on the methadone and see if ur doc will give you a prescription for a benzo that will help good luck
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