Metformin Smell (Page 5)
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why does it smell like fish?

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My last script Metformin 1000 mg was by Teva and it smelled like urine; pharmacist said metformin is made from sulfonamide urea obtained from horse urine and likely that Teva cut manufacturing costs by leaving out masking agent heretofore used.Others are likely cutting costs also. My doctor verified that horse urine is the source for the sulfonamide urea. Horse urine, hmm, explains the smell. Makes me wonder, if they admit to horse urine in our meds, what else are they not telling us? Color me pissed.

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You're right, Joe Blow, it does smell horrible like a woman's yeast infection. I have often compared it to an old woman's diaper who lives in a nursing home and doesn't get changed regularly. I also get mine from Walgreen's and they never used to smell this bad, but the past year they've been packed with a horrible stench that is like fish soaking in ammonia. And maybe it is what's making us sick. My recent colonoscopy didn't show anything weird, and my issued parallel the Metformin stench. Maybe it will be one of those many drugs we see the TV lawyers advertising class action suits and side effects contributed to many other drugs. Hm.

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just diagnosed a week ago. I feel a little better,however, I have an enormous amount of flatulance. My husband thought the babys diaper was hidden the room, my son almost suffocated and fell of the chair after I came from using the restroom. I had to spray,light incense, and burn candles simultaniously. My pills have an M and 234. They don't smell bad, I think it is just a new foreign object and my body is trying to reject it. Drink plenty of water, it helps.

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I've been taking Novo-metformin for almost 20 years, and for the past 5-6 years, the dosage was 4x500 mg a day (breakfast 1, lunch 1, dinner 2). Everything went well until late January this year when I got the very fishy smell pills (non-coated). The pharmacist said all Metformin pills smell, just some
are coated and some are covered with fruit flavours) To me, that was never the case, because it was the first time in 20 years that I got fishy smell pills. She did exchange the pills for me, same manufacturer, but film-coated. They did smell fishy too, just not too noticeable when they were fresh in smaller bottles with a large smell absorber (d....., I forgot the word) in each bottle of 100 pills. I started taking them, and about 10 days later, my ears started hearing extremely loud and high-pitched noises. One doctor said the inner ear tubes could have been plugged up and told me to use nose-rinse and try some counter-drugs with decongestive and anti-histamines, but no effects. Other 3 doctors, including an ENT specialist, said they could not see anything wrong in either ears.

A friend gave me some non-coated novo-metformin she has from an older batch, no smell, like my old pills, but they did not help stop the ringing in the ears (esp the very loud, sharp, high-pitched in the left ear.) I guess the fishy pills have done some ir-reversible damage to my auditory nerve. Those high-pitched noises never stop for a second and are driving me nuts.

Doctors can only say that is aging. My pharmacist keeps saying the fishy smell is natural and could not have done any harm.

I wonder if the fishy smell batches are contaminated in some way. I can't believe they are harmless

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I too was switched to another generic manufacturer of Metformin by the pharmacy (Jewel / Osco). I have been on the 1000 mg twice a day. A little fishy smelling, but I reallly didn't notice at first, since I also take fish oil supplements. I have had stomach and stool problems ever since. Also, my blood sugar levels were higher.At first I thought it was the flu, but after over a month, I decided to stop taking the metformin for a couple of days. My stomach problems eased and my stool began to be more normal. Restarted the metformin and problems returned. The old manufacturer was a Canadian firm (Apotex) and I had no problems. The new one is Solco, appears to be a firm from India. i tried today to get the pharmacy to get me the old manufacturer. No dice. I will do some research to see what other manufacturers are available. Thanks to the information on this forum, looks like I should stay away from teva. Any others I should avoid?

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During 1 yr on Fishy smelling Teva Metformin HCL 500 tabs, I had daily debilitating nausea. Today my doctor said people should be warned about these malodorous pills. I am allergic to them. Within 1 day of switching to another mfg, I no longer have any nausea. I have been diabetic 10 years with good control, but I had other problems with Teva's product like constant weight loss, unpredictable high and low blood sugars, super bad breath and flatulance. Worst year of my life!

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I have been taking both the fishy smelling ones and the non-fishy ones for years; I don't notice the difference, except that the fishy ones taste bad. I don't see any difference in effects.

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I had been on Metformin 500mg TEVA since 2004. I never had any trouble until I got a refill at Wal Mart(I had had other refills at WalMart for Metformin) but this was for a 90 day supply and I noticed right away the differance. I started having GERD symptoms at night along with bouts of diarrhea. The final straw was about 2 weeks after taking this new brand (SANDOZ), I had a sudden bout of vomiting, diarrhea,and rectal bleed with stomach cramps. I went to my primary and from this encounter had to undergo a colonoscopy and 2 types of endoscopy. I changed type of manufactured drug (no easy task due to insurance) and am on a similar drug to the one I had taken in the past. Conclusion: Doctor needs to note on RX in ( ) the type or manufacturer for any kind of overide from the pharmacist. Insurance people complain and pharmacy complains due to cost but I am human and I demanded my rightful right to a compatible drug.

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Expired medformin is being sold with fish smell. It does not work I was experiencing high sugar levels w/ hypertension and shortness of breath

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I've noticed the small in the last two batches from CVS, smells like old semen if you can believe that. Spoke with the pharmacist...i'm not the only one. They have complained but right now that's their choice of suppliers, TEVA?

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My daughter was put on Metformin 500mg and every refill we have gotten smells and tastes like rotten fish! When she was in the hospital they gave her their Metformin pills and the were smaller (which was good) and had no smell or taste. Her pills at home are manufactured by Zydus and have Z/70 embossed on them. The hospitals version is manufactured by Aurobindo Pharma but I can't find them anywhere. I went to Walmart to see how those smelled and theirs was fishy too. The pharmacist told me that they all prett much smell the same way unless they were the extended release pills. Evdently the extended release tabs are coated and dont smell. Does anyone know of a pharmacy that has the rugular Metformin 500mg that doesn't smell? Please help, she has started to hide pills or spit them out when I turn my head!

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i actually thought i was losing it! i have been on metformin for almost 6 years and this is my first refill that had the fishy stench! i usually fill at walmart and never had a prob... i got a refill at target and they reek! awful!

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this smell made me go and have std test. i thouhght my husband had an affair, but i found out it is the med. if this is the best they can do i would rather do without the meds and suffer

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70 Z 500 gives me stomach and muscles pains. My thighs seems as if they were on fire. I called walmart and they had another brand that seems to work now. I was on 397 at the base

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I also filled Novo Metformin at Costco. Had nausea and headaches. Costco called company & they did replace it with another supplier. It took me 3 days to get back to normal.If you don't feel well do not use.

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The pharmacist from Target told me that Teva bought out the competitor that were producing the 4331 pills. Teva allowed the 4331 surplus to run out then substituted their stinky pills. I'm still having issues with the new ones from Target they smell too but not as bad and they are causing low sugar spikes unlike the 4331. I need to check my wieght I have a bad feeling that these pills are making me gain weight. My doctor might need to increase my dosage for this new brand. Oh and they are affecting my memory too.

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Walgreens began giving me the fishy metformin in August but after a few weeks I felt like it was not working as well as the previous ones were. Then I got the meds from Walmart and no more fishy smell and I've started losing weight again. My blood sugars seemed to be out of whack too, but I'm not sure as I don't have to check them yet. I'm very grateful to hear that others have had issues with this new fishy product. Strangely, the fishy metformin was manufactured by the same company as the ones I was taking previously (I checked with Walgreens today).

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My first prescription pills have a 70 imprinted on one sside and the letter Z imprinted on the other. They have no detectible smell. They came from Zydus Pharmaceu. My refill that just arrived has a fishy smell and 397 imprinted. They come fromCaraco Pharm. I get all of my medications from Maxor Pharmacy through my group medical pactice. I'd appreciate any help as I seem to remember reading not to change brands on Metformin.

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I went on this stuff 3 weeks ago. Target generic product stinks bad, even in the bottle. I was in a van with 6 other people 2 weeks ago. I blamed someone else. Now, I think it was me, and I feel quite embarrassed. I have been changing underwear mid-day, and that helps. One small drop of urine has enough stench to wipe out all of Afghanistan. And, much worse than a bad yeast infection. I am going to try drinking more water. If the odor persists, I will give it up, or go to another drug. This smell has got to go!

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I finally went to Target and yes they smell bad too even when they used a different manufacturer, but I am no longer feeling the pressure on my chest. Altough I am having this weird sweet taste on my tongue in the middle of the night like I have been sucking on a hard candy with no flavor.
I wish somebody would respond to my earlier questions and this one...after taking the smelly metformin pills did you loose control and were forced to take insulin?

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