Metanx & Footpain (Page 2)
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I have taken metanx for 2 1/2 mo my feet and ancles have gotten so sore i could hardly walk on them. I quit taking the med. 3 days ago and can feel a great differance in the pain leavel.

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I read that some people taking Metanx for neuropathy of the feet are having more pain than before. I started taking Metanx about 2 months ago and am now having awful pain and in my feet to where I can hardly walk on one foot, and my podiatrist cannot find the cause. I don't want to give up yet on Metanx helping my neuropathy, but it might be making my feet worse instead. Has anyone else had this problem, and, if so, what did they do? I am wondering if Metanx has caused the pain to get worse in many people's feet who have neuropathy?

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First, let me say that I meant to say Complex B from Shaklee is COMPARABLE not equivalent to Metanx. As a diabetic, I know there are many things we need to watch for. Neuropathy is one of the worse conditions that I am experiencing at this time. The pain it causes in my toes especially is just horrendous! I haven't been the best at watching my sugars and testing as much as I should. But I'll tell you, when I started doing Shaklee, it just seems that using a purer form of supplements instead of the meds has been a great help. Don't get me wrong, I'm still on Metformin, Glyburide and a booster shot of Byetta. I won't take myself off of them until the doctor says all clear! But I'm thinking that won't be for a while yet. Thankfully, my HSA account pays for Shaklee supplements. I can't buy supplements at my local grocery store. My HSA card gets denied for those. If you want to check Shaklee out go to for their catalog. They list all ingredients so you can compare for yourself. You can even e-mail sunnydill @ She'll be able to help you out by answering your questions, help with your order and provide some type of discount.

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There have been a few people reporting that Metanx caused them worse pain and did not help at all.

Unfortunately, it appears that it does cause this opposite effect in some people.

Have you spoken to your doctor about using something else?


Mommacakes, did you have a link to a site that sells the item in your post?

If so, then yes, our site software does, sometimes, block those to prevent spamming.

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After doing some major research Shaklee B Complex is equivalent to Metanx! Hope this comes through - they blocked my comment from yesterday!

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