Medicaid Louisiana Doctors That Are Suboxone Licensed (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I had been on Suboxone for almost 8 years. In my opinion it is a wonder drug compared to all the opiates that the pain clinics are all too willing to prescribe .I have been out of my Suboxone for a week & a half. I feel like I am dying. I can not sleep. I have a 5 month old new baby boy. I can hardly pick him up due to the pain that I am in. I hurt all over. i have been so nauseated. My doctor who 's visits were cash bases only, however medicaid would take care of the actual prescription of 60, 8 mg. At one time I WAS PRESCRIBED 4, 8 MG SUBS A DAY. i WOULD KILL JUST TO HAVE A QUARTER RIGHT NOW TO FEEL LIKE NORMAL AGAIN. My doctor decided that he no longer wants to deal with any one with medicaid due to the fact that his office does not "LIKE TO HANDLE PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONS " REALLY ......SO I am guessing that he really never gave a s*** about his patients at all because this is a horrible feeling. I would never wish this feeling on anyone. I really need to find a doctor in LOUISIANA south, that will prescribe this medication. Can you please help me?

235 Replies (12 Pages)

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Who is your Dr and where are they located? They take Medicaid for the visits?

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Ashley, call your Medicaid Health Plan and ask for a list of doctors in your plan that can prescribe Suboxone for addiction.

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What Dr do u use? I need a sub Dr who takes medicaid so if u know one plz let me no. Thank u

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Rob, the doctor also has to take your Medicaid Health Plan. Call your plan and ask for a list of doctors in your area that take your plan.

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Who is your doctor and where is he located? Have medicaid. Can you please provide address and phone number?

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Yes I seen a post that your Dr takes medacade , can I please have the info

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What's the name and place of the Suboxone Dr. that takes Medicaid? I'm looking for a doctor in or around the Baton Rouge area or Port Allen area that's cheaper than 250. Does anyone know of one? Also, is there anyway to qualify for free Suboxone?

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Can you tell me the name of the dr? My dr has gone on "medical leave" and closed the doors. Now I'm scrambling trying to find a dr to get my Suboxone.

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I am an opiat addicted and I need my meds I have 2 fractures in my c2 vertibrait an my legs n me vertibrait in my back is broke I need some help

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you better wait 3 days. anything less could throw you in to full detox and it's one of the worse pains you will ever go thru and you will still have to wait three days. trust me on this it's bad. you may can take a few loratabs to carry you thru your three days. if you don't wait and it throws you in severe detox have a few loratabs ready it will help a little to ease the pain but not much.

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I'm having the WORST LUCK EVER! Lol I'm also a little slow with all this stuff so I'm praying someone will see this and help me out...I'm trying to find a Suboxone doctor near me that takes la healthcare connections. I have never been to any doctor herein Louisiana and I'm new to it all so any information will help n be very much appreciated! Thanks

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Ok everyone, there is a Dr in New Orleans for sure that takes Medicaid. I don't know if I should be giving out this info because it was really hard for me to find, but call all the addiction hospitals and ask them if they know anyone that takes Medicaid. That's how I found him. If you don't find the info please write me on here again and i will help you more.

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Who is your doc , please I need help, I have medicaid and have been trying to stay off opiates . with the suboxone I am successful.

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I live in Louisiana and would love to find a dr. that writes subs and takes Medicaid, as my husband is disabled and Medicaid is my only option.

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Were you ever successful in your search Shawn? Im in Louisiana & now in the same boat you were last yr...any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Who is your doctor and where is location? I would like to make an appt

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Yes,Dr.Chada in Dequincey,la.excepts medicaicade for his Suboxon patients!!I have not checked with them in a while,sure he still does except it thougg!!GUY he's not the best Dr, ride w/horrible bedside manner!!save money THOUGH

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where?!! please god help. my loved one has suffered for many years with drug abuse and therapy alone has never helped. please where is this doctor

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Same thing happened to me. I was being treated for pain management and they stop taking Medicaid in a matter of no notice and you can go and use your Medicaid at other Dr.'s, but you get labeled as a drug addict. I am going to find a Dr. They're out there. will help. At first he had us paying $180.00. Now it is up to $240.00 and paying for mandatory classes which we should not be charged for 3 a year at $60.00.

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I'm going through the same thing. If you find a Dr who will take medicaid please let me know and I'll do the same.

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