Medicaid Louisiana Doctors That Are Suboxone Licensed (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I had been on Suboxone for almost 8 years. In my opinion it is a wonder drug compared to all the opiates that the pain clinics are all too willing to prescribe .I have been out of my Suboxone for a week & a half. I feel like I am dying. I can not sleep. I have a 5 month old new baby boy. I can hardly pick him up due to the pain that I am in. I hurt all over. i have been so nauseated. My doctor who 's visits were cash bases only, however medicaid would take care of the actual prescription of 60, 8 mg. At one time I WAS PRESCRIBED 4, 8 MG SUBS A DAY. i WOULD KILL JUST TO HAVE A QUARTER RIGHT NOW TO FEEL LIKE NORMAL AGAIN. My doctor decided that he no longer wants to deal with any one with medicaid due to the fact that his office does not "LIKE TO HANDLE PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONS " REALLY ......SO I am guessing that he really never gave a s*** about his patients at all because this is a horrible feeling. I would never wish this feeling on anyone. I really need to find a doctor in LOUISIANA south, that will prescribe this medication. Can you please help me?

235 Replies (12 Pages)

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Re: Stevenie (# 212) Expand Referenced Message

Not sure where you are located exactly in Louisiana, but look up "Choices of Louisiana". They do offer Subutex and they also accept Louisiana Medicaid. There are 3 locations, I believe in Louisiana.

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QuickMD does suboxone telemedicine. That’s the only controlled medicine done by them. Go online. It’s 99.00 bucks for a month prescription. They will look to see you have been taking this medication and at same pharmacy. If not probably do an induction. Does not take insurance. My doctor went on vacation I forgot and ended up using QuickMD and within minutes my suboxone was at my pharmacy. Easy to talk to. Easy to do and cheapest cash pay. It’s in California I live in Texas so that’s not a problem.

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Re: Kf3355705 (# 219) Expand Referenced Message

Are you saying they accept every state but Louisiana? Or that they do not accept Medicaid or any insurance? That’s crazy I did this past summer and I’m from Texas. And have gotten my prescription from same doctor same pharmacy and they do check. Sorry I figured they would do any state. Wonder if certain states don’t allow it? I’m sorry

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Re: Kf3355705 (# 219) Expand Referenced Message


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Re: Kf3355705 (# 225) Expand Referenced Message

I’m so sorry that happened to you!! I moved to Lubbock from Denton tax and I have to drive every few months to see my suboxone dr. They have 2 here and will not accept insurance and it’s ridiculous. That medication was a life saver for me. Things have to change seems nobody cares about getting a much needed medication. I remember calling everywhere and they treat you like your nothing to them. I want to or wish to start with Dr’s even PA’s can prescribe suboxone. They need to take Medicaid or insurance. The cost is beyond ridiculous. I finally got lucky but he’s 6 hours away. I do telemedicine every month. But have to visit every few months. Things have to change and the stigma of this medication. It prevents you from getting high even if you wanted... I wish healthcare cared more. You are in my prayers. I would call your card for stop payment or harass them everyday until you get your money back that’s shady.

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Re: Kaypen (# 227) Expand Referenced Message

I sadly can relate to what you are going through. I have been there in your exact situation many times. It hasn't always been so easily accessible for people in Louisiana seeking Suboxone treatment. I, for many years had to pay out of pocket for my visit & medication and I don't mean co-pays, I was paying $300 for the visit and then paying full price at the pharmacy. Thankfully, I no longer take Suboxone. It's going on 2 years now that I've been free from those chains. However, I still look out for people who are having a hard time finding a Suboxone program who accept Medicaid. Have you tried using Teledoc? They have them and from what I've read, it's a cheaper, quicker option and the Doctor will call in your medication at your local pharmacy. Very convenient.

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I was on methadone for 2 years then switched to suboxone. I was having a hard time feeling better even after a week. So Saturday I stopped my suboxone and took methadone, but didn't feel much until Sunday when I took 90 mgs thru out that day. I took methadone again on Monday, but now it's Tuesday and I want to start back suboxone and try again. I'm scared because I took so much. I was on 35 mg when I switched and waited 24 hrs before starting suboxone. Will it be worse, same, or what? I'm just so nervous again.

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Hi...I'm in need of a Dr accepting Medicaid..would you be willing to share your doctors info??

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What is the name of the doctor? I was just placed on Medicaid and my doctor who I have been with for over 10 years suddenly stopped taking it and I cannot afford to pay the $150 a visit. I am pregnant and my obgyn says I cannot stop taking it or I could miscarry. I am desperate. I really need a doctor who accepts Medicaid or risk my babies life.

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Could you please give your doctors name. I have been using the same Doctor for years but as soon as I was able to get Medicaid he stopped taking it so I am really stuck. Your help would be a God send.

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I'm looking for a new Suboxone doctor myself I've been on it for 2 years my visit is 490 and its in Lafayette if I could get a name and number I really appreciate it thank you

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who is your dr.
im try to find a sub dr. for my husband will take his medicaid

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I need a doctor that accepts mwdicais asap. Can u please tell me his name?

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Who is he/she because I can't find one anyone near or far

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Any dr can prescribe suboxone for chronic pain, although many won't. Louisiana Medicaid won't pay for Pain Management Drs, so you will have to talk to your PCP about prescribing it.

If you need suboxone for the treatment of drug addiction, you can only see certain drs. Louisiana Medicaid does have restrictions and limitations on it. Call your Medicadi Health Plan and ask them for a list of Suboxone Providers if you need it for the treatment of drug addictioin.

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What is the name of your doctor? My husband's doctor quit taking medicaid for Suboxone treatment. Insurance will pay for the meds, just need a doctor that will take his medicaid to write it.

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You can call your health plan and ask for a list of Suboxone Providers. Or go to your health plans website and put Suboxone Providers in the search bar. But, you need to call and verify that the dr only takes Medicaid. The drs that only take Medicaid if you have Medicare are combined with the drs that take Medicaid only.

You can also go to the link below and cross reference the names of the drs there with the drs in your health plan. I do not know how current the list is at the link below.

Buprenorphine Treatment Physician Locator-

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Can u please tell me the name of the dr that accept Medicaid for the visit

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Hello everyone I have been on narcotic pain pills for over 12 years! I have started taking suboxne these past 3 months but mostly off the street because I can't find a Dr. Due to me working and the hours they want you to put to their groups. If anyone knows any Dr. That can help me near the westbank or new Orleans area that would be awesome. It's so hard to function without them. I have Medicaid too so if anyone accepts that would be great or atleast if it covers the meds. I'm hoping for a Dr. That writes between 60 and 90. Any help would be so appreciated! Ty everyone

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Anyone know a doctor in Lafayette or Baton Rouge? My dr. retired so I really need a good dr. Thanks

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