Lung And Breast
UpdatedI have lung cancer and have had part of my lung removed then in April I was dignosed with breast cancer which I had cancer removed from my breast the dr said it had nothing to do with the cancer in my lung cause it appeared in my left breast and the lung cancer is in my right.I get so tired of drs. treating me like I am stupid I know it can spread because the radiation that I took for the lung cancer was in stage 2at the time part of my lung was removed and now since part of the cancer was removed and I did radiation for it my breast leaks yelliw stuff from it and it drys I have to take a warm cloth and remove the crust is what I am calling it keeps coming back and my breast and armpit hurts so bad but I can not get a doctor to write me a break through medicine for it if there is a doctor out there that reads this Please tell me how people that has nothing wrong with them can get any type of medicine they ask for and me fighting cancer can not it is not fair and I am always honest wth my dr that did the surgery on me about everything I take and in fact I take my bottles with me to show them,I think it has ran to my bladder and kidneys but they do not want to hear it and I wait in the front of his office just so he can come in and say well it healed good I am deformed from the surgery snd hate to look at my breast to.Please any doctor tell me how to get the proper care I need.I am inso much pain which runs into my back also.I am despairet to get some help.
Thank You,
To any doctor that will help cause my ribs on both sides and bones hurt so bad.
2 Replies
Hello, Katie! How are you? Wow, you beat cancer twice! Way to go! That's something you should be proud of, not worrying about a deformed breast, unless they have fake ones, no woman has perfect breasts, anyway....and those fake ones look ridiculous and you can always tell that their fake!! Smile and be proud of yourself for being real and for still loving life! :-) Most of those women with the fake perky breasts would be crying in their silicone.
As to getting help, have you tried pain management? That would be the best way to get the help you need for that. Do you currently have a PCP that could refer you to someone?
And as to worrying about your kidneys and bladder, that is also something that you need to discuss with your PCP. They can set you up with doctors and exams that can check, your surgeon can't do that.
Thank You Verwon,I have tried to keep myself busy but there are times in the middle of the night when my ribs,knees and head is hurting I feel like a useless piece of nothing.I use to be so active and play with my kids and the neighaborhood kids and loved every minute of it and now I have two beautiful grandkids and I barely can play a card game with them because of the pain from the cancer and from two failed back surgeries back to back the last ending me up to having my back fused with screws and plates.If a person goes to a pain center here where I live is considered to be an addict and I do not want ppl to think of me in that way but I am going to have to figure out something and I do not know how to go about asking my pcp to send me to a psin managment place how do you when the pain gets so bad I eat asprins and tylenol and my liver is not going to take the tylenol anymore.I just wish a dr. would give me an answer not saying that your advice I am not taking it is so hard to talk about my problems to ppl.I Thank You and appreciate what you wrote I really do.I just get so depressed not being able to do what I use to.Thank You for answering me.
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