Looking For Heet Liniment (Page 2)


Would like to know where I can find Heet liniment

24 Replies (2 Pages)

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I am looking for it for myself. It was the most effective linement I've ever used. I found it on the walgreens webpage for $9.49 for a 2.8 oz bottle plus $5.99 S&H. When I reviewed the order I saw that they showed 3 bottles instead of the 2 that I was trying to order. When I tried to correct it, it showed 5. I decided I would try fresh tomorrow.

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I believe there is a line of clothing that carries the ingredient, HEET, i.e., thermal undergarments, or workout clothing. Can you help locate it at a store?

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It is available at Walgreens for $9.49 + tax. This is effective Sept 30, 2017.

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I hear that Heet isn't going to be made anymore. Is this true? This is a wonderful product. I've tried everything on the market and this is the best thing going. My neighbor gave me a bottle of it and it's unbelievable. Please tell me they're not going to stop making Heet.

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