Looking For Heet Liniment


Would like to know where I can find Heet liniment

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Maybe you can call your doc or pharmacist and tell them the active ingredients (and amounts), and they can make it for you. Pharmacists are usually able to mix serums together as needed. Here is what goes in it:

Active Ingredients in Liquid:
Camphor 3.6% + Capsaicin 0.25% + Methyl Salicylate 15%

Hope this helps!

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I have tried for over 2 summers to get this product to no avail and have used for 15 years on back. One byt one places quit carryingit and daughter is a pharmacist and tried to special order it, again no luck. Wonder what the problem is and please let me know if you have any luck and I will do the same. However, I amnot cutting over a limb for the cost of a bottle.

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I just ordered 5 bottles from Monticello.com for $50

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Not sure if this is the same product that they were asking about. After some research, it appears that the correct link which you are talking about is:


The product HEET is manufactured by Monticello Drug Company. You guys might want to contact them to see if they might consider releasing their original product again (and also to verify that they were in fact the manufacturers of Heet Liniment).

The product which comes up for the above link appears to be a liquid that contains Aspirin, which is completely different from the active ingredients listed for Heet Liniment.

Can you please post back and let everyone know if the product which you referred to works as effectively as the one everyone's looking for?

Manufacturer contact details:
Monticello Drug Company
1604 Stockton Street
Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 384 3666

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We have several more details for everyone. After scouring the internet, there does appear to be a link which still offers this product. Please let us know if our assumption is incorrect!


On the product details page, it actually lists a company called MedTech as the manufacturer of Heet Liniment. Unfortunately we were unable to find anything on them, so perhaps they were acquired by Monticello? Hard to say at this point.

Hope this info was helpful, and please let everyone know what you were able to find.

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I just ordered a bottle of Heet for my father...he has been looking for it to replace an old bottle he has been using for years. If you read the description on the left side of the website, it describes a tablet, not a rub. I am thinking perhaps the company has the wrong description up with the picture. The Heet product is a liquid put on with an appicator. I am betting it is the same thing with the capcacin (?) ingredient we all want.

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I have been using this product or over twenty years now and have not been able to find it anywhere. A lot of web site,'Including Canadian pharmacies list that it has been 'discontinued by the manufacturer'
My sister in N.C just happened to stumble across a site at www.bargainside.com and ordered me (4) bottles that just arrived today. With S&H it was $37.71, but to me it was well worth it and I thanked her most appreciatively. If you live closer the S&H costs may be less.
If it is unavailable I came up with my own natural substitute that works very well. I was desperate and experimenting and used (7) drops of Possible Side Effects available at www.deathsauce.com with about 2.8 oz. of water from a Brita pitcher. I used an old HEET bottle I had laying around. It is water based so it takes a little bit longer to dry ad it smells like hot sauce for a brief time but it works well. I just shake well before every use. Once it dries I go over it with 99/9% DMSO which I get from the local tack shop for $9.00 a pint. Possible Side Effects is a concentrated hot sauce I use on my buffalo wings.
I am ordering even more HEET for future use due to severe spinal, arthritis problems. But if they are out I know I can make my own out of natural ingredients that works almost if not as well.
Hope this helps you out and it isn't already sold out.
Good luck and best wishes.

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The key ingredient for this is capsaicin. Lakota is a 'nayural' liniimnet that has capssaicin as its key ingredient at $18 now $22 a bottle. Interestinfly Rub A-5-35 with capsaicin recently left the shelves at six bucks to be reintroduced at $18. Hmmmmm. Will Heet reenter the market soon also up from six bucks to $22? Me thinks it so...

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The going rate for Heet is $8.50 a bottle


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Just ordered liquid heet today from Monticello Drug. It looks exactly like what I have been looking for.The phone No.1-800-735-0666 X126. The cost is $8.50.

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hello there, I will appreciate if your drug store keeps.HEET PAIN RELIEVING LINIMENT medication,
brand name-- Capsaicin. white box with HEET writen in black and red. I did check all over here in vancouver canada i can not find this. Please if you have any- information regarding this oinment please reply to e-mail address enclosed. thnx

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The "Monticello Drug Co." recently purchased the company from it's previous owners. They have it back on the shelves in OH at the 'Discount Drug Mart' stores at the same price. About $8.77 with tax.
If you have Internet access you can find it at their web site. You can buy HEET and other products from they're site for $8.50..

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I've played sports all my life,tried them all like rub a5 or whatever its called,tiger balm and the rest.Heet is just fantastic,can't say enough good things about it.Hope this company keeps it producing!!

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Can you tell me if bottles of heet are still available over the counter? I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

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When I had some shipped from TX I received it UPS because of the 70% alcohol content. Be Pricey!

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Where can I buy heet?

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Today, July 20, 2013, I ordered 2 bottles at a Walmart. Apparently, they have it. The man checked and it "should" be in on Monday. Around $8.40.

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Where can I buy Heet?

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The box is orange. Just brush it on the sore muscles. Its a great linament.
I think I can get it in Washington state.

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I hear that Heet isn't going to be made anymore. Is this true? This is a wonderful product. I've tried everything on the market and this is the best thing going. My neighbor gave me a bottle of it and it's unbelievable. Please tell me they're not going to stop making Heet.

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It is available at Walgreens for $9.49 + tax. This is effective Sept 30, 2017.

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I believe there is a line of clothing that carries the ingredient, HEET, i.e., thermal undergarments, or workout clothing. Can you help locate it at a store?

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I am looking for it for myself. It was the most effective linement I've ever used. I found it on the walgreens webpage for $9.49 for a 2.8 oz bottle plus $5.99 S&H. When I reviewed the order I saw that they showed 3 bottles instead of the 2 that I was trying to order. When I tried to correct it, it showed 5. I decided I would try fresh tomorrow.

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